Creating a cargo sailer ship design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by SET Project, Jan 8, 2022.

  1. SET Project
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    SET Project Junior Member


    I am currently on the search for a ship designer to allow for a first draft of a cargo sailer ship!

    If you are ambitions and want to take on the challenger, please let me know. And, if you know naval designers in which I can enable in a direct conversation with, let me know as well.

    As for the design, I can give more details... we can simply start a private conversation.

    Thank you,

    SET Project

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  2. rob denney
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    rob denney Senior Member

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  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If you are serious and do not play with this forum, as in previous occasions, please say so. In that case, I will gladly assist you through a pm.
  4. alan craig
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    alan craig Senior Member

    29m sharpie cargo carrier for an archipelago (Vanuatu) designed for sailing/motoring, by Phil Bolger.
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  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I don't know how much googling you have done so far, but here are some links that I have bookmarked on this topic -

    Eco Clipper - big sister of Tres Hombres -

    Ceiba - and The futuristic cargo ship made of wood

    The trading schooner Gallant -

    The French Grain de Sail is an aluminium 22 metre cargo schooner which can carry 50 tonnes of cargo, and she appears to be a success story so far after launching in 2020 -
    She is currently at the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean -
    Ship GRAIN DE SAIL (Cargo) Registered in France - Vessel details, Current position and Voyage information - IMO 0, MMSI 228376700, Call Sign FLXB

    The Atlantic Clipper (240 tonnes dwt, 33 m. long) was originally built in 1984 for carrying cargo transatlantic between Europe and the Caribbean, in similar fashion to Grain de Sail - however this did not last very long, and she is now carrying paying punters on cruises around the Whitsunday Islands in Australia.
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  6. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    "if you are ambitious and want to take a challenge", sounds like a project where the compensation is being allowed to showcase the work (done free).

    maybe this is not such "opportunity" but the current presentation resembles ones I have seen in me past.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What is your budget? If you don't have a few million dollars, it is just a fantasy.
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @gonzo, a few millions dollars is, probably, too much for "a first draft of a cargo sailer ship". Don't you think so?
    I wish we could apply those prices.
  9. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Tansl, you are being pedantic about semantics again! :D
    There is not much point in commissioning even a first draft of a cargo sailing ship unless you have a definite commitment for at least the bulk of the finance to construct it in place surely?

    And even a few million $$'s is not going to go very far nowadays, even if you build the vessel in China.
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  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @bajansailor, perhaps there is some reason why you can recriminate me, but I do not know what is pedantry in what I have said (I'm not talking about semantics but about the meaning of a word). Can you explain it to me? Thank you.
    Building a ship may cost millions of dollars, or it may not. But the study the OP is thinking of buying help for can't be more than a few thousand dollars (and that seems like too much to me). If saying that is pedantry, then all right, I'm a pedant.
    Telling the OP that what he is asking is worth millions of dollars is unnecessarily giving him false information that could alter his future decisions while giving a totally false idea of designer fees. I repeat that I am talking about the same as the OP, a first draft.
    The OP has never talked, as far as I know, of building that ship but in any event, any ship that has been built has started their adventure with a first draft, whatever you mean by first draft (OMG, the semantics comes up again). :p:)
  11. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Ok, in simple language.
    Gonzo asked what the bloke's budget is - ok he did not elaborate as to if the budget is for the initial design study or for the construction.
    But one could reasonably assume that he meant the budget for the construction, as it is fairly obvious than an initial design study is not going to cost millions (unless perhaps you ask Philippe Starck, who designed that monstrosity called 'Sailing Yacht A', to do it :D ).
    And surely there is not much point in throwing a few thousand (or tens of thousands even) $$'s at a design study unless you are fairly confident that you will be able to raise the capital to build it?
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Do you know how many first drafts have been carried out, paid for, and never built? I don't know either, but surely there have been many, and by saying this I do not pretend to be pedantic. It's just a rhetorical question (am I pedantic now?)
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  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you look at the SET website, it is the usual nonsense. They claim that humans can live without any impact on the world, while maintaining the same style of life. "Sustainablity" is the new catch word. Cargo ships burn fossil fuel because it is the most efficient way to operate a vessel. Many of the items shipped today, particularly food, would spoil if it were delivered by sail with no refrigeration. I would like to see the OP living on hard tack and biscuit.
    Ilan Voyager, Olav and bajansailor like this.
  14. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    There was an article in the German magazine 'Segeln' ( about the comeback of sailing freight, July 2019. I happen to be over there at the time and got a color glossy copy at an airport newsstand.
    I tried to find a free online copy but was unsuccessful, got to PDF sites with virus 'warnings', etc...

  15. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    And what does all that have to do with the budget for the project and the price of a first draft? It has nothing to do. In addition, the OP is sure to have a wool sweater that he wears on some cold days. You will ask me, what does that have to do with ...? Nothing but, as things get crazy, I also want to collaborate.
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