Crazy as it Seems (any motor advice on whaler with merc 50 4 stroke)

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by BobBill, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. BobBill
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Location: Minnesotan wakes up daily, in SE MN, a good start,

    BobBill Senior Member

    I may buy a old but decent Whaler for son...but know zip about 16 foot 64 Nautuck and driven by 50 horse carburated Merc, 4 stroke.

    Any motor advice. I am sailboat guy and clueless.
  2. jorgepease
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    I drove one of those around for a summer. It had an old 60 hp 2 stroke and would zip along really nicely. I bet the new 4 strokes aren't much heavier though you would have to sea trial her ... see how she sits in the water and if she gets up and about in a zippy fashion.
  3. BobBill
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Location: Minnesotan wakes up daily, in SE MN, a good start,

    BobBill Senior Member

    Thanks. Appreciate the input.

    Seller is owner's son.

    Rig, was "family" boat and not used now.

    I think motor has been its power for years and underway should do, but you have alerted me to something I will ask about.

    I know owner, square local (gas/fuel supply/Sinclair stations) businessman, small town, but never know. Rig is fine and well maintained, but mahogany will need refinishing, which I am used to doing.

    I just know zip about inboard and outboard engines.
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