Compulsory Viewing - The funniest sailing video ever!!

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by brian eiland, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    .....courtesy of : Compulsory Viewing - The funniest sailing video ever!!

    A piece of 2012 Olympic sailing vision with an Irish commentary, on an international video site has become the hit of the Games amongst the sailing media contingent. This is the must watch!!

    The fact that this piece is still on line shows the IOC and the moving pictures rights holders has a sense of humour too. Well done guys.

    One warning, do not watch this with hot liquid in hand!!

    Irish 2012 Olympic Sailing Commentator: hilarious !!! - YouTube
  2. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Man that is funny-the commentary is nuts,but the last 20 seconds is the best!

    I watched it 3 times...
  3. CutOnce

    CutOnce Previous Member

    Love it.

    Actually more sailing coverage than the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) had, and a more qualified commentator.

    Commentators like this would actually bring me back to the TV during the Olympics. This is about the only thing that would actually make the Olympics fun and exciting. Wonder if this guy is available for the next America's Cup. Someone should call Larry and get him to see!

  4. dnmeid
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    dnmeid Junior Member

    Unfortunately they have no sense of humour at all concerning infringement of their valuable rights. So they took the video down just three days after it was originally uploaded by the author. :mad:
    The credits we can still laugh about it go to the many reuploaders sharing and spreading it all over.

    You can find the original video here for instance:

    Here is what Mr. Higgins says about the deletion of the original upload:

    And yes, it is definately the most funny video about sailing I've ever seen. I've watched it now dozens of times and it is still getting better and better. :D
  5. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    I do not think it was an actual broadcast, it looks like a home made spoof to poke fun at all the time spend broadcasting the time before the race actually started. It looks like it was made in some bloke's living room.

    funny none the less, and I think why the olympic officials took a dim view of it, they do not like people pointing out their short comings. Look at all the flack Romeny got for simply pointing out a factual observation.
  6. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

  7. MoeJoe
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    MoeJoe Junior Member

    I think you might be right. :D

    Great video. Give the bloke the proper job next time, he's a natural.
  8. eguven
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    eguven New Member

    Hi All,

    I sailed same boat almost 7 years, this was one of the best start I have ever seen. And Laser Radial is almost fastest boat in its category.

    In the video, sailors are traying to take a good place on start line, and hold their position till start time, it is a hard job considering water current and wind. The actual race starts when video finishes.
  9. daiquiri
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  10. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I finally got to that site you referenced but it seemed as though it played around with my computer...took a while to get to the video....was it downloading a bunch of crap onto my computer??
  11. daiquiri
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    I didn't experience any problems. It is possible that you've had to wait for the ads to load from 3rd servers before getting to the video. I have resolved the problem with the AdBlock software for Chrome:
    The sites I visit now load at least twice faster because the browser don't have to wait anymore for the advertisement parties to send their spam data before showing the page. And no pop-up windows too. :)

  12. Don Novello
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    Don Novello New Member

    that is very funny, i've seen it before though
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