Composite Training In China

Discussion in 'Education' started by Casper, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Casper
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Casper Junior Member

    Hello to all experts,

    I would like to make an enquiry if anyone knows any training courses available here in China let say somewhere in Shanghai coz I've been trying to search all over the web and yet only gives me the links for the suppliers and manufacturers of FRP's. I would be very lucky if anyone here could give me advises and recommendations for the company. Moreover I'm not a Chinese so also would like to know if they have the courses in English.

    Thank you very much in advance..:D
  2. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

  3. Casper
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    Casper Junior Member

    Dear Sir,

    Thanks for the info. online course seems ok but still I prefer with a hands on training for more in-depth understanding in preparation to my small boatbuilding business, but I will reconsider this option, thank you very much and highly appreciated.
  4. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Casper- most composite fabricators learn the trade by apprenticing but don't get to composite technician's level. If you are in UAE as your location indicates, there are many small boatbuilders around Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and RAK has the big composite manufacturers. You can try applying as an apprentice while you are taking the on line course.
  5. Peng
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    Peng Junior Member

    Hi Casper, are u still looking for the composite training?
  6. Casper
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    Casper Junior Member

    Hi Peng,

    Thank you for your reply, and yes I'm still looking for composite training and I'm still here in China I am trying to contact the Owens Corning China but it is difficult for me right now to find someone who speaks english.

    I would appreciate very much if you could help me with this one or if you know some contacts from the training centers.

  7. Peng
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    Peng Junior Member

    Hi mate,good to know you are in China.
    Could you please drop me an email at,give me some general ideas about what you need,then we can discuss futher.
    By the way,what is your location in China,Im about 1 hour away from Shanghai.
    All the best!
  8. Casper
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    Casper Junior Member

    Hi Peng,

    Sorry for the late reply.
    I just send you an email. Also to inform you about my location in China, I am somewhere here in Jaingsu Province, Jiangyin. I believe that you are familiar with this area since this is well known for one of the biggest shipbuilding industry of the south ( I just thought so).

    Thanks in advance.

  9. hariandro
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    hariandro Junior Member

    Ya the coarses you mentioned is avalable in china as well as india also..In my institution they are not only providing marine engineering and also teaching us safety engineering in marine studies and nautical science..

  10. archie1492
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    archie1492 Junior Member

    Hi Casper and Peng. I’m an American also living in Shanghai. Nice to find other boat enthusiasts in China. Perhaps we could meet up one day. Send me a private message for details.
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