Competition Composites Inc is hiring

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Phil Locker, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. Phil Locker
    Joined: Oct 2004
    Posts: 95
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    Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada

    Phil Locker Junior Member

    Competition Composites Inc (CCI) is an Ottawa, Ontario, Canada based composites fabrication business. We focus on high quality one-offs, prototypes, and short run production. We typically build our own tooling. Composites technologies used are vacuum-infusion, bladder moulding, and hand layup with vacuum bagging. Much of our product is sold direct to customer, but we also have valuable corporate relationships that include Gunboat, Melges, and MAT to name a few. You may know us as our "Phil's Foils" brand of rudders and daggerboards.

    We are seeking composites fabricators to join our team. Compensation to $25/hour plus benefits. Please have a look at our website for more background on our company:

    Applicants may email their resume to
  2. sticky
    Joined: May 2008
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    sticky New Member

    International recruitment?

    Are you interested in employing overseas applicants?
  3. Phil Locker
    Joined: Oct 2004
    Posts: 95
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    Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada

    Phil Locker Junior Member

    We're open minded about that, but have not as yet had to look into what's involved in work visa's etc. Send me a CV.

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