Cockpit Re-design

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Jnye, Dec 12, 2020.

  1. Jnye
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    Jnye Junior Member

    Am considering re-doing my Olson 30 cockpit along the lines discussed here:
    Alternative ways to build a seat

    That thread is old and ends without any concrete recommendations.

    In my simple mind, I believe it would be easy to cut away the old cockpit 1' below deck level and use the surviving walls as "flanges" for the new cockpit. All the angles work so it should drop right it. If the build is just a bit too narrow then the cockpit is marginally deeper than planned; too wide and a bit shallower. Can be either moulded or stick built.

    As to structure, I appreciate what was said in the original thread and it would be my intention to tie the underside of the cockpit to the hull with a fore-and-aft panel.

    As a starting point, I'll measure the thickness of the sides and come up with a lamination schedule that gets me the same thickness. Then 12mm H80 or A500 for the floor. Along with longitudinal foot braces. Sound like a reasonable plan?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    No. It does not sound wise at all. Cutting the walls at the sole and using the sole as a flange is much better.

    But you really need to submit some pictures. Cockpit walls can be structural bulkheads. While the risks may be low, getting some advice seems wise.
  3. Jnye
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    Jnye Junior Member

    Pics in the original thread, c&p'ed here. Below is a rough drawing. The original cockpit is essentially hung from the deck. The 2x4 (literally) in the middle picture provides a bit of vertical support concentrated in one place but not much else.

    The blue lines are the outline of the current cockpit; the red as proposed. I could certainly tab the top of the new cockpit to the deck in addition to glueing it to the flanges. Then add the vertical support under the cockpit.

    Cockpit Modification.jpg




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  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Dimensions, especially width of the final sole.

    I thought you were cutting at the existing sole. Please disregard my prior comment.
  5. Jnye
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    Jnye Junior Member

    Let's say 20" side-to-side for the floor of the current cockpit and 18" each for the two seats so a bit less than 56" (since the floor will be lower than the current seats and the sides are sloping inward plus the thickness of the lamination) for the floor of the new cockpit. Am cutting the existing sole. Getting rid of it and plus the trench between the seats and the seats. Replacing with a trapezoidal box with no top.
  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    56" span supported by a single support means 28" spans; thatbis honestly a bit much, so your spans might sag underfoot if not either span modified or pretty thick sole
  7. Jnye
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    Jnye Junior Member

    Will firm up the measurements when I'm at the boat tomorrow. Happy to consider two off center fore-and-aft vertical panels underneath the floor if that helps.
  8. Jnye
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    Jnye Junior Member

    The current cockpit walls are 12" tall, the seats are 17" wide and the center well is 15" deep x 18" wide.

  9. Jnye
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    Jnye Junior Member

    Here's an even more involved example of an Olson 30 cockpit makeover. I'm not interested in going to this extreme though.
    O30 Cockpit Open to Transom.jpg

    Stock layout. Cockpit ends just forward of the rudder post.
    O30 Stock Cockpit.jpg
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