Cockpit location on a tri/pod cat hybrid.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by InetRoadkill, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. InetRoadkill
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    InetRoadkill Junior Member

    I'm toying around with a rough layout for a trimaran / podcat hybrid design. I'm stuck trying to decide where to place the helm. Typically, it would be far aft. But that means having an elevated platform in order to see over the cabin roof. It also raises the required boom height. The other option is to place the helm inside the saloon just ahead of the mast support, looking out the front windows.

    The aft helm position leaves more room inside the saloon, but increases the windage and suffers from obstructed visibility. The inside helm is protected from weather, but there's a concern over what happens when the windows get obstructed by rain or spray. The inside helm also has issues routing the sheets and various other lines. It would be nice to be able to run everything from one station to save a lot of running around when short handed. Thoughts?
  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Interesting question. In my thinking, I went for both.
    Outside in the Stern for sailing, where you could see the sail trim, and lookout under the sails for boats and rocks.
    Inside for power in inclement weather.
    Perhaps for a Trimaran, the "mixed" concept used by boats like the Bolger "Birdwatcher", with semi-enclosed cockpit that can be closed up for bad nonsailing weather?
  3. InetRoadkill
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    InetRoadkill Junior Member

    I'm torn between a layout similar to a Maine Cat 41 central helm, or something like the SeaWind 1260 with the stern helm. At issue in my sketches is that the amas are not interior space. They are just flotation. So I have the cabins in the center pod. This means an aft helm can't look thru the salon to see forward. You need to look over the roof. I'm toying with the idea of sloping the side of the pod an shifting the helm closer to the rail to allow the pilot to look down the side of the pod. The concern there is getting splashed by spray coming off the ama.
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