"Chine-Runners" greatest invention of 20th century?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Squidly-Diddly, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. gilberj
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    gilberj Junior Member

    I won't comment on Yrvinds boat.
    Matt Layden has been building and sailing his microcruisers for a lot of years. A number of them are equipped with chine runners, in several forms. He considers the whole boat as a lifting surface, including the rudder. A look at the Paradox and the Enigma designs, and Ellusion shows the centre of effort well aft. The rudder is clearly part of the lateral plane, much like the outboard dinghy rig advertised back in the late '60's. Matt has consistently placed well in the Watertribe events, whatever boat he was sailing, but both Paradox and Enigma have been particularly notable.
    I doubt Matt ever imagined these might race against boats basically designed for going to windward. They are cruising boats. I have seen videos of Paradox going to windward quite reasonably handily. There have been several fairly precise runs measuring performance going to windward, and the results published, (Matts results were 51 degrees on either tack approx 3.5 kt's through the water and about 2.25 knots made good to windward, which according to my math indicates very little leeway).
    I'd think chine runners are less usefull outside of microcruiser sailing. Once a boat gets big enough you cannot easily push it off in an accidental grounding I think the super shoal draft becomes less attractive, and other methods of preventing leeway might be better.
  2. Randonneur
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    Randonneur New Member

    That is not what Matt said. I'll quote -

    "I'll just stress one more time that in my opinion it's the whole system: hull shape, chine curvature, chine runner shape and size, and a good, big efficient rudder taking a lot of the side loads that make these boats sail and steer well."
    Full text of chine runner article here -

    My own results show the real figures. I've reams more where those came from!


    and this is a video of a paradox sailing upwind which defeated several other conventionally foiled boats, who resorted to their engines!
  3. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Pete, thanks for the info . . :)

    As being well known in the Paradox & Relatives Community, do you know if plans for the Enigma 460 are available or still yet to come somewhere in the future . . . ? ?

    Good luck !
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    R, your boat is gorgeous-seems very well done!
  5. Randonneur
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    Randonneur New Member

    Enigma 460

    There is no news from what I'm hearing.

    I believe Matt is reluctant to release plans to the general public fr fears of litigation if they mess up.

    Saying that, he has trusted a few people (like George who built the 460 prototype) and just this month an Enigma 360 is advertised in SCA.

  6. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Thanks Pete,
    It's a pity that US litigation culture has gone so far that sharing plans that come from a hobby causes fears for lawsuits which prevents the plans to go out . . . . :confused:

    To bad for Don, hope he sells soon, is that in Florida ?

    I wonder though, if he's allowed to sell the plans with the boat . . ? ?

    SCA doesn't have the ad online at the moment, it's a nice opportunity to get one on that side of the pond though...

    Good luck !
  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Just blew up the ad a bit, are the chine runners in the ad longer than on Matt's boat . . ? ?
    First is Matt's Enigma 12 ~ 360, second is the advertised Enigma 12 ~ 360...

    _Matt's_Enigma_12~360_.jpg - _Don's_Enigma_12~360_.JPG - _Don's_Enigma_12~360_ad_.JPG
    - click pics to enlarge

  8. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    I believe that the original plan for Yvind's boat was to have a small board forward. Chine runners dont make much sense if shallow draft is not
    important, IMO.

    Yvind is now getting set to go around the world in a ten foot boat ,"AIT"
    Staying in the roaring forties , there wont be much need for sailing up wind.
    Would that be fun?
  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Yes, a bow dagger board . . . . [​IMG] (click pic to enlarge)

    But he skipped it during the build of which all can be read on Sven's website and on the Yrvind thread on this forum.

  10. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    I think this is what Daiquiri is trying to say (see attached spreadsheet).

    If you keep the Reynolds number and the length the same, the speed will be quite different between the two because of the kinematic viscosity.

    That is, at 4 knots sea speed, same Reynolds number, you need to go 49 knots in air to get the same resistance.

    Play around with the spreadsheet by changing the numbers in the yellow cells.

    Attached Files:

  11. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Simply said, he'll be too slow for not to have to sail upwind...

    It's not a large fast ship that's able to catch a favorable weather system and keep up with it to have a storm on it's tail to be blown east about the Southern Ocean in one leap.

    Sven's new boat is 10' and of heavy displacement to carry the provisions to do it non stop and has a planned average speed of 2~2½ knots in the right conditions. This will make his speed too slow to catch up with a favorable weather system.

    The prevailing winds and storms are westerly in the Southern Ocean, but not all the time westerly. The westerly wind & storm systems will pass Sven as at 2 knots he's almost stationary. After that he has to fight systems of winds and storms in adverse directions till the next westerly system arrives. In northerly storms that he'll meet during the years voyage he has to fight a lot to not be blown off course too far towards Antarctica and he even has to fight a lot not to be blown back too much at times. Doing so and in good times sailing east at about 2 knots by the westerly winds/gales it will take him about a year to go round . . . .

    Rough timetable . . . .

    - click pic to enlarge

    For Sven, Yes !


  12. gilberj
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    gilberj Junior Member


    Sven is certainly one of the most experienced sailors of very small craft on ocean voyages. He knows if anyone does what he is getting into. That said I wonder if he has taken on more than he can reasonably do. Is he a victim of his own illusions.
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