carter 33

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Mantaray123, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Mantaray123
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    Mantaray123 Junior Member

    Hello the boat.....permission to come aboard?
  2. Mantaray123
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    Mantaray123 Junior Member

    Looking at a carter 33 greek this weekend. He says good to go with a small year in undersized main and could use interior and hill paint. Otherwise solid and pulled every year at marina. I've read to look at stress point on keel. I'm in need of abundance of data and am military so I can absorb information and am willing to learn. Not navy though....they are Sissy's
  3. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Hi Mantaray,
    Yes the keel and area to watch look for crack propagation from limber holes at the transverse floors particularly at the aft end of the keel, basically seems a structural discontinuity on the transverse member on mine I've laid a uni-fibre cap across the top of the floors interleaved with double bias fabric down into the pans formed by the longti keel member the transverse floor members and the settee fronts this also eliminated the limber holes I collect some water under the engine from under the engine at times from cockpit hatches and also in heads from the keel stepped mast. They are really quite nice boats as built, I like mine just feeling older/less fit & the yacht a bit cave like with the steps down... if I lived on board I'd be yacht fit:)
    Starting to think about a little larger in the cruiser stakes.... extra cockpit length seems to come at a lower cost as a percentage of construction..

    Good luck with the Carter, good to check out "Bums on a Boat" on Youtube and Carter owners group on facebook.

    Regards from Jeff
  4. Mantaray123
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    Hey aussie.....I checked out the carter 33. No stress crack on the bottom. No soft spots on top deck. Stock instruments have not been maintained from the 70s. Penta diesel new rebuild. Hand crank and electric start. Head and galley are functional. Two sets of sails. Main has a year but tape should do for bay sailing I'm told. I need the original interior layout bc it's been altered. Please let me know if you can assist.
  5. waikikin
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  6. waikikin
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  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you are willing to learn, the first lesson is not to insult those who have the knowledge you need.
  8. Mantaray123
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    Mantaray123 Junior Member

    Or...realize Gonzo doesnt have a sense of humor. :)
  9. Mantaray123
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    Thank you very much for the brochure. I was looking at the interior yesterday and there were boards and cushions all over. I have noticed that some carter 33's online have the nav table and galley reversed. Mine is port and the others were starboard. Topside the air vents were facing the bow which would catch water I would think on mine and other were facing stern. Were each one of the carter 33's custom? Are there models or serials so I could start to recovery the original look and floorplan? You are a wealth of information and I appreciate if you answer even one of my questions. Regards Jon
  10. Mantaray123
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    Mantaray123 Junior Member

    Can a sailboat (Carter33) be inspected on the hard by a professional? Situation dictates I cannot put it in the water for the inspection.

  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is preferable to survey the boat on the hard.
  12. Mantaray123
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    Mantaray123 Junior Member

    Great. Thanks man!! I learn fast and am handy with tools. I will contact the local marina and have it surveyed, or at least gone over. I know I will need to do some fiberglass work on a couple of spots, but I know epoxy and have worked in a wood boat rehab shop. This model of carter is plywood interior and I can manipulate it once I understand the layout better. Electrical is my nemesis but I will figure it out.

  13. Howlandwoodworks
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    Howlandwoodworks Member

    Here is a good Seminar on youtube for your electrical systems, 6 parts in all.
  14. Mantaray123
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    Mantaray123 Junior Member

    It seems like he is more into showing how others have failed rather than walking you through how to check common marine electrical systems.


  15. Howlandwoodworks
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    Howlandwoodworks Member

    Houses in most states have a licensed electrician installing everything to a code and most haven't move to far from where they were built on dry ground.
    Boats not so much.
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