Canoemaran, catcanoe

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Troubiwan1971, Mar 3, 2023.

  1. Troubiwan1971
    Joined: Mar 2023
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    Troubiwan1971 New Member

    Hello new user here. I'm wandering if anyone can help me out. I'm looking for plans to build a canoemaran, catcanoe. I have two 17' Coleman canoes to work with. Please hmu
  2. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Please tell us the presumed purpose, or use, of such a boat. Is it to be a power boat, sailboat, driftboat, camper, or whatever.

    Tying the two Colemans together is no more than as afternoons project if you have a few tools and some suitable material. The end use will have some bearing on the method you use for pairing the two canoes.
    bajansailor likes this.
  3. Troubiwan1971
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    Troubiwan1971 New Member

    I'm going to use it for fishing and camping. With that in mind I would like to have a outboard on it.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  5. Troubiwan1971
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    Troubiwan1971 New Member

    It's like this one and I've never thought about putting a tent on it. I guess that would be cool so yes
  6. Andrew Kirk
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    Andrew Kirk Pedal boater.

    I'd build a wooden structure inside each hull so these could be linked together with cross members. That way you won't damage the hulls by drilling holes and if you ever strip it down you'll still have 2 unmolested canoes.
    Alan Cattelliot, rwatson and TANSL like this.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    For two canoes lashed together, a 1.5 HP outboard would be enough. A simple flat platform made of 1/4' plywood over a 1x2 frame can be simply lashed to the cross bars in the canoes. If you don't feel confident about lashings, hose clamps will do the job.
    bajansailor and rwatson like this.

  8. Stevo
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    Stevo Experimentalist

    This is ours. It's the 2.9. Dunno if I'll ever really get to 3.0 but the fams been clamoring for the update. No holes in gunnels, bolts function as clamps with off set washers. The leeboards are toed in 4 degrees at the 45 cut which equates to 2 lift and 2 in. Bonanza of the water. Rig is from a Rhodes Bantam. Whole thing disassembles and rides on the lumber rack. This allows us to get the sweetest mountain lakes.
    Manfred.pech likes this.
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