can someone ID this mini boat? It's not an Aqua Lark...

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by kereliuk, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. kereliuk
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    kereliuk Kereliuk

    I'm told by the previous owner that the tag on it used to say "Blazer XL"

    and that maybe it's from Eastern Canada... tag is gone now so there is no proof..and can't find anything on the internet.

    Pretty sure it's not of the 'Aqua Lark' family, as the stern and the entire boat has a much lower profile --- any help would be greatly appreciated -Thanks :)


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  2. stupidbaker57
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    stupidbaker57 Junior Member

    This looks like my son's GW Invader. Altho others aren't sure if it is really an Invader because the transom is 90 degrees to the keel. Did this have 2 wrap around bucket seats?
    If this is like my son's, you'll be able to hang an Evinrude 2 cyl 60hp on back, he did, and he's working on the 60 MPH mark.
  3. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    I hope you can restore it before that weed grows up! Looks like too much fun to become a planter pot.
  4. kereliuk
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    kereliuk Kereliuk

    I'm not sure if it had buckets originally... thanks for the info though. Everybody who sees it uses the same word to describe it, "deathtrap" .
  5. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    :D :D :D

    Remember when nice kids toys were bow and arrows and BB guns. :D
  6. danzima
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    danzima Junior Member

    GW Invader

    Immediately I think this is the GW Invader (1970s)...So,I looked at many pictures to confirm-Yup!- Like the Aqualarks,this should "fix-up" really well-ENJOY!
  7. stupidbaker57
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    stupidbaker57 Junior Member

    My son is now building a Dillon tunnel hull, so this means the GW Invader is for sale. Boat is ready for paint and rigging (no motor)
  8. Statutory grape
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    Statutory grape New Member

    Boat name

    If you have found who the maker of the boat is let me know, I have the same boat as you, not similar, the same . I have looked at pics of g w invader and none of the bows come up the image.jpg same so im certain it is not one.
  9. Titan113
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    Titan113 New Member

    Its a Princecraft Surfer, had a 1972 for most of my teens.

    Princecraft has changed hands a few times over the years. Originally, Aluminum Boats & Canoe, producing Princecraft brand aluminum boats. In 1970 Canadian Boat Manufacturing had acquired the original company, still keeping the Princecraft Trademark.

    Long story short: Canadian Boat Manufacturing made the Surfer for only three years, 1972 thru 1974. Length 10'6, Beam 62", Weight 310, Max HP 20.

    Mine originally having a 20hp Merc when I got it, it ran 28mph. After owning it for a couple seasons I put a 4cyl Merc 50 on it, and messed around with a ton of props. With good water, no wind, me sitting in the middle, and a speed prop. I could get 52mph out of it. Being young and more often than not threw caution to the wind, if it was gonna capsize it would have when I had it, extremely stable boat. My Dad growing up around boats knew this, hence I probably wouldn't have had it, let alone the 50hp on it... LOL!!! Ton and Tons and Tons of fun in that boat !!!!!!

    I still have it, but had sat in my Dad's back yard for 20 years, all the wood completely rotten, with a fair amount of fiberglass dry rot. I'm in the process of a complete restoration. Split the cap from the hull and just did the floor, stringers, transom, and glassed over the entire inside. Currently re-riveted the cap back to the hull, and doing some major glass and filler work before painting. Hull had a hole in it, and was far from flat and true (massive hook towards the stern).

    All in all, I am glad to still have it and look forward to it being better than it ever was. Also on the hunt for an Evinrude/Johnson twin cylinder 60, 15" shaft. Being a little older now, and having a few more pennies than I did some years ago, this is becoming a fun little project. Lots and lots of memories in that boat, will likely never get rid of it.

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  10. LP_SurferXX
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    LP_SurferXX New Member

    Looking for more info

    I have just acquired a Princecraft Surfer in Florida of all places. I have no idea how it got here, last owner thought it was a G W Invader. Her floor and transom are completely rotten but the glass is still in good shape, hull looks true. Should have her all back together and better than ever by May. In the mean time I am stockpiling as much information about this boat as I can find, please inform me of any known resources. Thanks.

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  11. Titan113
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    Titan113 New Member


    I used the old floor and transom as a template for the new. It originally had the single keel stringer, I added a couple small stringers towards the chines to help support the hull. As you can see from my pics, the hull and cap were split. I imagine it would be a massive PITA to do the floor and transom properly without doing that. Thinking you still have the side supports to, as that is where the ID plates are. Don't go without those, the rails are very weak without them. Also went with double thickness transom, as I plan to run some relatively significant HP, with an engine set back bracket. Reworking whatever I hang on it, I estimate 60-70 or so at the prop. Love to see 60mph out of it.

    I would also put some effort into the hull to make sure its flat/no hook. I remember when I ran it previously I had a heck of a time getting the bow up because of it. Thinking about it, the manufacture may have put a slight hook in it for planing purposes when running minimal HP, and stability purposes. Some high performance boat manufactures do that for safety reason. Hydrostream being one of them.
  12. Tdaves71
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    Tdaves71 New Member

    Your boat is a 1971 exel. I have the same boat. Used to be plum crazy purple with the same white stripe. I never knew anything about the boat or who made it either but yea
  13. Tdaves71
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    Tdaves71 New Member

    I have the exact same boat but mine has the original decals on it and they say exel so im guessing it would have to be an exel
  14. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    GW Invader GW Invader - Classic Boat Library
    PrinceCraft Princecraft - Classic Boat Library

    There were a half dozen or more boat manufacturers who made little boats like these. Most didn't stay in business long because it was a niche market and the Jet Skis, Wave Runners and other PWCs killed the market. Probably the best known after the GW Invader was Mercury's mini boat. I tried one out at the Mercury Racing facility in Osh Kosh Wisconsin, back in 85 or 86. With a 40 HP Merc it went like a scalded cat. It was a bit squirrely in the turns though and scared me. Really easy to spin out. Disney had a lot of these little boats made for Disney World. The ones used by Disney were called the Mini Mouse. Some of those are still around too. Of course Disney didn't put big engines on them, 10 or 15 HP IIRC.

    Oh yeah, how could I forget the Addictor. Probably the one that was made the most. It kept changing hands. The Addictor was made by 3 or 4 (maybe more, I lost track) companies. See Facebook Addictor Boats
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2019

  15. chip taddei
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    chip taddei New Member

    Hi, I know this is an old thread but info on this boat is still very limited. I bought a Princecraft surfer in 1972 and at that time it had a new fifty Johnson .It was really not that fast ,maybe 38 Mph .Then We bought a 1965 65 hp Merc 4 cyl Short w/ a 17 pitch cupped 2 blade bronze and got 46 mph. The johnson had a 2.43 to 1 gear ratio and the Merc had a 2.3 to 1 gear ratio . Now 48 years later I have a 2 cyl 60 hp short Evinrude with mods and have tried many props with no luck. The boat has new floor and Transom bottom straightened, 6 inch wide pad and new gel coat over all. Can anyone suggest a prop? Best one so far has been a Aluminum 3 blade 21 cupped OMC prop at 55oo RPMs 46 MPH. Also motor is jacked two inches off the stern. Cant seem to get the boat loose even in a chop. P.S. No Power trim, hole two on the tilt pin is awful , hole 3 is sending the bow to the sky and a lot of bouncing, except for full throttle . Made trim tabs, set them level got rid of the bounce only, still 46 MPH . 6 gal fuel tank in bow w/3 gal of fuel for testing Any suggestions?? This boat should be approaching 60 mph. Props???? Thanks Chips Outboard Service
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