can Ocean Engineers work as yacht designers?

Discussion in 'Education' started by burak_celepoven, May 11, 2007.

  1. burak_celepoven
    Joined: Apr 2007
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    burak_celepoven New Member

    I just finish my freshman year in ocean engineering and I am wondering about something. I made research about ocean engineering and according to the most sources, ocean engineers can only work on anything except ships and yachts. However I will be taking courses like, sail boat design, ship design, Sterength of Ships and Offshore Structures, small-crafts production... lessons about both ships and other ocean related subjects and recently i heard that, I will have no chance to work on a subject related with ships, just because of my ocean engineering degree I am going to get after graduation, no matter what lessons I took. is that true?

  2. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    Not in this country, the US. If you have an engineering degree, you will be more qualified than about 80% of most designers in this field of yacht design simply because you will have had courses in dynamics, physics, chemistry, engineering mechanics, etc. Get as much computer instruction as you can, particularly in drafting and 3-D modelling. Concentrate your spare time and interests in yacht and ship design and follow your nose. You should not have a problem.

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  3. burak_celepoven
    Joined: Apr 2007
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    burak_celepoven New Member

    Thanks for your answer..
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