Can anyone tell me....................................

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Nomad, Apr 17, 2002.

  1. Nomad
    Joined: Feb 2002
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    Nomad Senior Member

    Anything about the Bob Hobbs designed Diamond 24?:confused:
    The company name was Diamond Marine Corp. The boat I just bought is a 1988 and I would LOVE to learn more about it.

    Thanks!!! :D
  2. Nomad
    Joined: Feb 2002
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    Nomad Senior Member

    Know one knows??!!??!!
    Not even Jeff, or Steve Ditmore!?!
    It is shocking and a bit scary too.
  3. tom28571
    Joined: Dec 2001
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    tom28571 Senior Member

    If you are refering to the Diamond sailboat, I know about it and have actually seen a couple. I have not heard of a Diamond powerboat though. Sorry.
  4. Nomad
    Joined: Feb 2002
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    Nomad Senior Member

    Thanx for trying! Our next contestant is......................

  5. 1967Tahiti
    Joined: Tuesday
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    1967Tahiti New Member

    Haha, 23 years late. Ran across this and had to sign up just to post.

    Bob Hobbs yard was on NW South River Drive West of the palmetto. He was the owner of Diamond Marine and designed that 24ft center console. If I remember correctly he ran a PT boat in his military days. His yard was exactly that, a yard. He hand built that boat. I'm wanting to say he told me he built two of them, one of which I bought from him new with no power or rigging. I bought the boat in 1988 (hull only) for $10,000
    Boy did that step hull get attention at the boat docks, step hulls were non existent back then. It originally had a small lookout tower. White Hull, bottom part of steps red and a blue deck. I put twin Yamaha 150 motors on it. Was rigged and powered by an outfit in Naples which did a hack job on it. I had brochures on the boat explaining hull performance and theory. Me and my brother did not get along and I sold the boat sometime between 1995 and 1999 to a guy that hauled it over to a marina by fort Lauderdale international airport. The boat was very fast
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