Calculation of intact stability for high speed craft

Discussion in 'Stability' started by tapan khandelwal, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. tapan khandelwal
    Joined: Oct 2018
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    tapan khandelwal Junior Member

    Hello, I have one project yacht wajer. This is a high-speed craft. Now i want to know how to calculate intact stability, all calculations for this project I need to know and related how to calculate the stability criteria. I have all formulas for the container, bulk carrier, and tanker but for this all formulas are different and I don't know where to find these formulas and under which rules this yacht will come. If anyone knows about this please help me or send me a mail on my id-
  2. Olav
    Joined: Dec 2003
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    Olav naval architect

    Hydrostatics are hydrostatics, no matter of the type of vessel. What is indeed different are the requirements for each type, the intended operation (inshore/coastal/offshore, magnitude of wind and waves,...) and the applicable rules the vessel is built to.

    But this is one of the first things you or the customer needs to decide; no-one else can tell you this. Again, this will be governed by the size and intended use of the vessel (especially if it's either a privately operated pleasure craft or commercially used, i.e. a passenger vessel) , the flag under which it will sail and in some way also subject to personal preferences.

    You mention the terms "high speed" and "yacht", so either ISO 12217 (if L < 24 m) or the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSE) would be my first guesses, but there are lots of other options.
  3. tapan khandelwal
    Joined: Oct 2018
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    tapan khandelwal Junior Member

    Thank you so much for replied and the first thing i want to know about the yacht offset table because i am using the BSRA series for big vessels but for HSC craft how to get the offset table for lines plan for yacht please let me know.
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