Building my own boat. Need supervisor/controller

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by PolarWind, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. PolarWind
    Joined: Aug 2013
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    PolarWind New Member

    Hi all craftsmen out there!

    Rather then writing this post as a reply to every job request that is listed in this forum, I will post my request here for you to reply to me. This makes it easier for me ;o)

    I am planning on building a 50-60 ft catamaran. The how and why is off topic here, but I have come as far a looking at several designs and study plans. I started working on my budgets and realized I will be needing help through out the entire process. I am thinking in terms of discussing the project from scratch, finding pitfalls, making cost analysis, hints and tricks on building, etc.

    The idea is to have the boat build near to where I live (Norway) as this will be my arena for the first few coming years. Many of the tasks I will be requiring from you can be done over the internet. Some of the tasks will require for you to come to Norway (or find somebody that can).

    This is a serious project. We have been planning this for some years now, and the time has come. If you feel this is a project you can work on then I welcome you and am looking forward to your comments and questions. Terms and conditions will be discussed in private.

    Welcome a board !
  2. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member


    What material are you building from mate, what design, this will determine to a great extent the person that you require.
  3. PolarWind
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    PolarWind New Member

  4. tomas
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    tomas Senior Member

    Nice! Congratulations.
    I'm envious.

    Curious, what is the maximum waterline beam of one of the demihulls?
  5. PolarWind
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    PolarWind New Member

    Thx Tomas. Not sure on the waterline beam but on the drawings I see the max beam is about 2,5 meter. With a Beam OA of 9 meter this is quite a lady. Can't wait to get my hands on the building plans ...

    Need to make my budgets first based on the study plans. That will be phase one of the project. And where I will be needing some help.
  6. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

  7. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    Stick with your local fellas, they will be the best.
  8. szkutnik
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    szkutnik Junior Member

    Please contact me. I have an interesting offer for you, which can significantly shorten the construction of your catamaran.

    regards Marek
  9. an2reir
    Joined: Sep 2001
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    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Dear Polar Wind

    My portofolio includes amongst others Management Position Catamarans / 62 ft -75 ft Vacuum Infusion Composite Catamarans

    I do have a number of Catamaran Designs ; I was researching many years on catamaran design.

    *My 43 ft Flybridge Motor Yacht design package has been purchased at 2011 by
    China Company is currently in progress production.

    I was at the latest 6 years( from 2007 to 2013) living in
    China and providing Yacht Design Yacht Engineering Management service to European Companies in China Yacht Industry.

    Please contact me on my below email.


    S.C L&A Maritime SRL
    Romania ;
    mobile Romania:+ 40722794779
  10. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member


    Besides all, the cat (hull#1) topic starter was referencing, is launched...

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  11. Gian
    Joined: Dec 2012
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    Gian ...

    Hi Polarwind,
    I'm an italian architect and yacht designer.

    I have not a catamaran package designs to show, but I sure can design YOUR OWN CAT custome (interior and exterior design) for your only working for a one off design!

    I'm working in a 30mt Power Catamaran concept together with a company and I will be pleased if you visit my website to know my nautic design.

    Waiting for your thoughts, comments and plans, I wish you a nice day and a lucky quest!
    Best Regards,
    Gian Paolo Nari
  12. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    The design only has value when it comes with feasibility/safety analysis, construction plans and specifications. Not pictures only...

    We have complete set of plans for the 60' cat referenced by topic starter, done to CE certification. Now proven and launched.

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  13. an2reir
    Joined: Sep 2001
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    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Dear NorthWind

    My portfolio includes:

    * I currently am Contractual Boat Design Package Provider to Top Brazil Boat Manufacturing Corp.
    * 2012. Contractual Yacht Design Provider to Regal Yachts Florida USA
    *My 43 ft Flybridge Motor Yacht Design is currently in progress production by China Company.
    *My Composite Motor Boat Design that I designed and I as well built myself with my own craftsmen; is since 10 years successfully sailing in the Carribeans .
    *Managing Boats Yacht Design, Building , Restoration out of Bucharest Romania 10 years 1997-2007
    *Yacht Design Manager +72 ft -100 ft Motor Yachts :Overall Design; Systems Design; Drive System Design; Structural Design ; Composite
    Lamination Schedules ; EUROPEAN Recreational Craft Directive and ISO Certification conformity / Bondway Yachts Hong Kong.
    * Yacht Design Manager - Jet Tern Marine/ Selene Trawlers Dongguan China. 2010
    * Engineering Manager / Composite Series
    Production Dutch Composite and Boats Factory Guangzhou China 2007-2008
    *Production Management service to Prout Yachts International Zhuhai China-2011 62 ft Sail Catamarans 60-100 ft
    *Consultancy service Design Engineering Sail Yachts Factory China-2011
    *Consultancy service Design Engineering Engine Room Design Jet System Drive System Design 60 ft Motor Yachts Yachts China-2013

    I do have my own Sail Catamaran designs 36 ft and 60 62 ft

    I did perform substantial research on Catamarans Design and Catamaran Composite Construction Technologies for many years.

    I do posess the European Recreational Craft Directive and the relevant ISO Standards; as well as the relevat Lloyds Standards; RINA Standards; China Standards

    I do have the experience of 75 ft yacht design /structural design and building in compliance with EU standards
    and the experience of managing the certification process.

    I have a considerable database of Composite Materials; Equipments and Suppliers for the cost efficient sourcing of all the necessary for the Catamaran project


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  14. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    Oops, these are famous Prout cats, I have one here for refit now. The molds are originally from Concordia and were modified many times... These boats had no engineering behind, hope Andery You improved them...

  15. an2reir
    Joined: Sep 2001
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    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Hi Alik; I do not know what is your precise understanding of by "engineeering" term.

    My understanding of term " engineering" related to the design and construction of Catamarans is : design and construction according to the Recreational Craft Directive and ISO Standards 12215 1-6 and the Relevant and or of the Lloyds Scantlings and Standards and Relevant Regulations

    I am not at all a buddy to Jack- ( Prout Catamarans Owner ) ;
    but I would however mention that in my opinion
    Prout Catamarans do not deserve your negative remarks.

    It is not at all my merit or my work in any way;
    but there actually is a lot of engineering in the Prout Catamarans
    wich are made by epoxy and vacuum infusion.

    To establish a Large Catamarans factory in China and to manufacture 70-100 ft ft vacuum infused hulls and decks and cabins is in itself a great endeavor wich in my opinion deserves respect

    I am no buddy to Jack but I do respect his work and his enterpreneurship.

    I can tell you I do have various sets of 40 ft- 60 ft Catamarans Plans from a number of international designers and or international design offices ; wich were drawn say before 10 years ago ;
    and who are with all consideration and respect
    in no way better that the Prout Catamarans/ if you are going to judge these design by its respect to the Lloyds Rule and or to the European ISO Standards

    Here couple images of the Prout Catamarans.

    Attached Files:

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