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Build Anything You Want - Custom CNC JIGS

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by april15th, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. april15th
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    april15th Junior Member

    From 20 to 200 feet, one component to an entire boat.... Custom computer cut JIGS to exactly your design desires, delivered to you ready to assemble! Save Time, Save Money, Build A Better Boat! Applied Concepts Unleashed - 772-283-3850.
    "Applied Concepts 3-D computer modeling allows builders to reduce both cost and construction time and allows us to fine tune the boats look and performance before the build." – Adam LaRosa, Power & Motoryacht​

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    Last edited: Aug 5, 2013
  2. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Oh goody - and I reckon its FREE too, isnt it ????
  3. april15th
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    april15th Junior Member

    Well, I suppose that depends on how you look at it. If you pay a professional to do something you would have had to pay for anyway and as a result: cut anywhere from weeks to months off your build time, lowered your overall build costs, knew just how the boat would perform before the first hammer was picked up and ended up with a better built boat… some might argue that that was indeed free. At the very least, I would say it’s a much smarter use of your build budget.
    “Steve French of Applied Concepts has predictability on his side. The computer models show the builder exactly what he will get. His effort is to help the builder find efficient ways to save time and money while providing them with an extremely “fair” jig. The Applied Concept jigs are within .03 inch of tolerance” – Sunny Briggs, Buddy Davis.com
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