Bsc. Finance- Part time in Switzerland.

Discussion in 'Education' started by pumajon, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. pumajon
    Joined: Apr 2005
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    pumajon New Member

    Bsc. Finance- Part time in Switzerland.

    I am doing Bsc. Finance-Part time from B.M.University in Switzerland. This program is a part-time program for 4 years. It is conceived to distribute to the students an understanding of the concepts and practices in finance and in management, as well as forces leading recent economic changes. The University leans on teachers who have a great professional experience and a very high level of theoretical knowledge and can communicate their know how. The program is of particular relevance to those working in, or planning to work in: Orientations: Corporate Finance Private Banking Insurance.
    Total number of credits required: -180 credits (which represent 1800 contact hours plus a total of 3600 study hours).
    Length of study : -3 year for the full time program -or 4 years for part time program -The program has to be finished in a max of 6 years.
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