Boomless double masted Catamaran...

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Skip JayR, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Skip JayR
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    Skip JayR Tri Enthusiast

  2. luckystrike
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    luckystrike Power Kraut

    Yes, it is! Don't know what size or type, but the Rig is Wharram style and what I can see from the Platform, too.

  3. Skip JayR
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    Got it from the CruiserForum....

    Its a Wharram 63 Pahi

    Interesting the concept...

    The Pahi 63 is a tribal boat, suitable for expedition sailing and for larger groups of people to cruise or eco-charter.
    The deck/accommodation layout resembles a village, with a central public area including ‘well’ and (optional) ‘hearth’, surrounded by private cabins. This centre deck and the separate aft and fore deck areas give three large emotionally different spaces, enabling people to have hours in seeming solitude.
    This deck layout combined with the 'Flexi Space' hull cabins (all with their own entrance) enables 8-10 people to live peacefully together for weeks at a time.
    The Pahi 63, based on traditional Polynesian double canoe principles, is most suitable for use in warmer climates.

    A giant ! Impressive boat...

    The Catamaran Nirwana...

    The catamaran Largyalo with its revolutionary energy concept powered by sun, wind and water, absolutely independent of fossil fuel.
  4. Spiv
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    Spiv Ancient Mariner

    The rig looks nice, simple and forgiving, but how does it sails?
    Any info, reports etc, anyone?
  5. Skip JayR
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    Skip JayR Tri Enthusiast

    Good question... on my own yet I have not sailed on a Wharram... all what I see is a strong boat I'd trust in rough weather, too.

    That remembers me a video about "Woody Brown" one of the multihull pioneers I found in following article:

    Sailing Catamarans & Trimarans – History of Multihulls (part 2/2… author: Michael Kingdom-Hocking)

    The video shows a kind of "Wharram type" Woody Brown created and sailed.... these boats go like hell, sailing them on the limit (by a talented and experienced sailor) they are still safe:
  6. aabella
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    aabella Junior Member

  7. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    That is one of the more ugly boxy boats I have ever seen.
    The one with the red sails is very strange with the placement of the jib.

    I came across a guy who had never sailed, while we were on the water. He had the jib sheeted to the weather side, going no where, and he wouldn't change it because he "knew" that was the proper way. In spite of 10 boats sailing past him because the mainsail airflow was completely destroyed.

    Looks like he moved up to a bigger boat.
  8. Clarkey
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    Clarkey Senior Member

    Not really fair to describe Woody Brown's boat as "Wharram Type" considering it predated Wharram's first cat by almost 10 years. Perhaps we should call Wharrams 'Brown type'? :)
  9. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    And Brown's boat doesn't look like some kind of a garden storage building was added, twice.

    You might also check out the actual shape of Manu Kai's hulls. Not the symmetric straight vee that Wharram started out with.

    Actually I believe Brown's designs started out from a Polynesian influence.
  10. Skip JayR
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    Skip JayR Tri Enthusiast

    Tks... great video ! The Editing is "art" :) Liked it.

    Seems a very seaworthy and fast boat.... at 17 knots still lots of fun (and little bit wetty).

  11. Skip JayR
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    Skip JayR Tri Enthusiast

    Eric de Bisschop and James Wharram - Catamaran pioneers

    I agree, Clarkey... you are right. We should give tribute to those who deserve it.

    I suppose Woody and James have known each other, right ?

    Both have been inspired by the pioneer of the Cat pioneers: Eric de Bisschop (French)

    Source: Eric de Bisschop and James Wharram - Catamaran pioneers
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