Boatbuilding schools- wooden

Discussion in 'Education' started by stankanovic, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. stankanovic
    Joined: Jan 2015
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    stankanovic New Member

    Hello Hello,
    first post here. I need some helping regarding finding boat building schools. I am currently living in new zealand(not as a resident) and am originally from Italy. i would love to start a career in boatbuilding and have been looking at schools here in NZ and Australia. problem is that i cant apply for apprenticeships(the main pathway to boatbuilding) as a non resident and the few places that do offer long courses are extremely expensive... So i started thinking maybe i should expand my horizons and start looking for courses elsewhere.
    I have heard that norway has an excellent reputation for wooden boatbuilding and with a eu passport should make things easier. Could anyone recommend some quality schools that offer a great foundation towards a boatbuilding career? Would be great to hear some suggestions.
  2. stankanovic
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    stankanovic New Member

    wooden boatbuilding school options but also places that offer apprenticeships would be great. i'd rather learn while making a bit of money on the side....
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

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