boat plans

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Almar, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. Almar
    Joined: Dec 2009
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    Almar Junior Member

    I'm looking to find a place where i can find either blue prints or a layout out of a 40' Formula SS or Bertram 31. or boats that are similar to these boats. Can someone please direct me?
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Have you tried contacting Formula or Bertram? How about Ray Hunt? Plans may be available, but you'll likely have to pay for them, as they're the property of the designer or manufacture. It would be more helpful if you were more specific about what you want.
  3. Almar
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    Almar Junior Member

    I'm doing some renderings for a friend and he wants to redesign a 40' formula SS and a 31 Bertram. So all i need is mainly the layouts to design the hulls for them. I will try to contact the manufactures. Thank you for your help.
  4. afrhydro
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    afrhydro Senior Member

    if that dont work you would have to build your own prototype
    what renderings do you have so far ??
  5. Almar
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    Almar Junior Member

    so far i have designed a house boat which is still in progress. I come from and architecture background I'm slowly transitioning to marine design. how do i post a picture? I'll give you a sample.
  6. afrhydro
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    afrhydro Senior Member

    click on advance button then manage attachments button from your reply screen scrol down youl see it
  7. Almar
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    Almar Junior Member

    BH Interior back.jpg
    Here are 2 samples I did its been revamped since i have done these. But for my first boat renderings they are coming out nice.
  8. afrhydro
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    afrhydro Senior Member

    look like it has potential
    what would be the primarry use water conditions etc
    and do you have funding for the project
  9. Almar
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    Almar Junior Member

    From what i know open waters inter coastal i believe. The funding I'm not a 100% I will have to discuss with my friend. I also believe this boat will be for sale after build is done. I don't know if that helps with your questions.
  10. afrhydro
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    afrhydro Senior Member

    youll need a good cad program with real time simulation
    and a mc from the coast guard and lots a cash if your starting a marine manufacturing business
    let me know if you want my help
  11. Almar
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    Almar Junior Member

    Thank you for your help. I'm using Autocad 2010/3ds Max , I tried to start using Rhino but I'm so use to Autocad. I've been looking for a good program to import my cad drawings to simulate, would you happen to know of any?
  12. afrhydro
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    afrhydro Senior Member

  13. Almar
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    Almar Junior Member

    Yeah my friend was using the printing for a prototype concept he designed I drew it up on cad for him, and he sent it to get printed with a 3d printing service. Its really interesting how it works.
  14. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Almar, that boat wouldn't survive long in open water. What are you basing this rational on? The image of the 3/4 view shows a bit of hull, but it's difficult to see. do you have a better image of the hull?

  15. Almar
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    Almar Junior Member

    well this was the first concept. we modified the hull for that reason when i have a new render ill post it
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