Boat design contest, win 1500$

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by crazyjoe, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. crazyjoe
    Joined: Jun 2017
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    crazyjoe New Member

    we are looking for the chill boat design for the family and one where you can have fun with friends.
    You wil be able to name the boat, and get your name printet as designer into the boat's if you have the best design and it goes to manufacturing.
    we basicly want a drawing / autocad design. all the testing and engineering work wil be done by us.

    1 hull and 2 top designs.
    length: 4,20m - 5,5m
    width: 1,7m - 2m
    outboard engine 10-60hk
    control consol with stearing, and div. gauges
    sound system 2 or 4 speakers.
    Led Stripes - dimmer's - lantern - ambiente
    Dek with design as show on the picture.

    Enter freelancer to join the contest !
    Login to Hire Freelancers & Find Work | Freelancer
  2. kerosene
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    kerosene Senior Member

    1. What does the second place get?
    2. Do you want the rights to the winning design?
    3. Do you expect to get quality design like this?

    If you answered yes to 2&3 I have one more question:
    4. What are you smoking?
  3. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Crazyjoe, just what is a "chill design" in your vernacular? If an adjective like that was used in an predominantly American forum it would smack of kid stuff.

    1500 dollars is not an attractive fee for the knowledgeable boat designer or naval architect who knows what he/she is doing. You offer of such a paltry fee will attract amateur stylists (a chill boat) that know nothing of the intricacies of professional boat design not to mention the safety and efficiency of such a boat.

    Tell us what you want with definite details and perhaps, that is a definite maybe, some of our exceptional forum professionals will respond to your inquiry.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think crazyjoe is not looking for a naval architect to design the ship. As he tells us, he will carry out the engineering. What he is looking for is a cartoonist who does a very nice thing to him. So, I suppose, the prize, which for a NA could be low, for a cartoonist can be tempting.
  5. crazyjoe
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    crazyjoe New Member

    if you read the text you'll find - we basically want a drawing / autocad design.
    is 1500$ to low for a drawing ?

    and yes we have professional designer's who will set us back around 850k

  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In my opinion is an exaggerated price. I have passed offers, for the complete blueprint of an 8m boat, for 3000 euros. So, $ 1500 for a drawing, I think it's outrageous.
  7. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    It absolutely depends. Is $1500 a lot for typing page worth of text? It can be way too much ir it can be way too little.
    That being said a contest suggests that many will be doing the work for free. How can you attract a real pro - with a lot to offer (who wants to pay for the mortgage and kid's hobbies) to put 2 days (pure guess) of work to a gig that might or might not pay.
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Of course it depends !. It depends on the need you have to sell and the need that the other has to buy. And it depends on how much better is your product than the competition. But the drawing, or 3D model, of a ship is only a minimal part of the total. And the price of the total, in our day, is enough devalued. To say that "it depends" is to say nothing but to always succeed.
    On the other hand and unfortunately one must do the work and then try to collect it.
  9. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    My point with the "it depends" was that for an illustration with 1h of thinking besides the visual execution $1500 can be ok.
    You can get a quality illustration like that. That has nothing to do with how a professional designer or even "stylist" would approach the case if the expectation is a competitive real world capable design - even if the task is independent of engineering (can it really fully be separated?).
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    For the boat we are talking about I believe $ 1500 is an extremely generous bonus.
    For a larger boat, the designer should perfectly define the main dimensions as well as some boat parameters (shell coefficients, main frame shape, longitudinal profile, deadrise, bilge shape ...), before no one begins to draw the model of the boat. Once this is defined, the 15000 $ remains, imo, a price too high for a drawing. But, as you very well say, "it depends" because if the drawing is extraordinary and you have enough budget, you may pay that and much more.
    But all this is just my opinion.
  11. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Well, offhand, offering $1,500 for something that apparently could cost $850,000....that does seem a little low.

  12. JSL
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    JSL Senior Member

    How about this 'concept' to start. Aluminum but could be FRP
    Took me about 20 minutes to modify from an existing 19' design.
    Fees: $75/minute - bill is $1500.
    ps: new to the 'revised' site, hope this works

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