Boat Build Recording Software

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by upchurchmr, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Does anyone know of a software program which would help with recording a boat build?
    A friend has a commercial software for building a kit aircraft ( ) which is impressive, but has extensive customization for links to aircraft suppliers, forums, etc.
    It may be useable, but for $50 I would be throwing away much of the designed in functions.
    I have seen the friends in work aircraft record and the results are impressive and the capability is very comprehensive.

    Anyone else know of something oriented to boats?

  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

  3. febone
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    febone New Member

    more on projectbook

    if you are interested in projectBook and think it might meet your needs I would be happy to answer any questions. It's a couple of months away from being ready for prime time yet, but the price would be right for a beta tester :)

    Francis Bone
    (Developer, projectBook)
  4. messman
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    messman Junior Member

    I think that will be very handy to have if you need a beta tester let me know
  5. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    I would be interested in being a Beta tester.
    I need to continue educating my son who the desire to start building.

  6. jamesgyore
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    jamesgyore Senior Member

    Rather clever... Could use a little CSS and AJAX tarting-up, but rather clever.

    I could have saved myself the effort of hacking away at and then rebuilding PHProjekt to suit my own needs, even though it was a fun distraction, my geek days are behind me.

  7. febone
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    febone New Member

    @messman, @upchurchmr - thank you gentlemen, I PM'd you with more info.

    @jamesgyore - volunteering to tart up my ajax? ;) Thanks for the compliment - it's been a slog getting it to this point so great to hear it might actually be useful!
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