Blender for boat design with FreeShip

Discussion in 'Software' started by pafurijaz, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Hi everyone I'm Paolo, and I want to show you, some models that I made with Blender.
    I use Blender, as amateur, for several years, to model in 3D. But in recent years I abandoned Windwos, changing to Linux. and with the change of operating system, and began my troubles, in fact CADs programs for Linux are very insufficient for various reasons, which I will not explain, so I started to look for a solution, and I knowing very well Blender (I am a big fan) I took on my challenge, towards Linux CAD; and after many trials and experiments, I found my way to create CAD drawings with free software. Now I use Blender to model in 3D with extreme precision, LibreCAD for CAD drawings, and finally FreeShip for converting my models from Blender in IGES format (NURBS).
    I'll try to draw other hulls and post here, hoping that someone will find useful this workflow.
    Below some screenshot.

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  2. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I will read anything you post on this topic and I have been using Linux for some time and like it.
    My blender version has a dark black screen, do you have a way to change the colors as I find the screen difficult to read quickly and it requires to much concentration.
  3. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Tom in the 3d view on start up, down in the left hand corner is the editor type box,select and go to the user preferences, then the themes tab, go to the 3D view in the box on the left hand side and select. All the colour setting will come up, go to the second bottom on the right side, gradient high/off and select any colour you want, then go back to 3d view in the editor type.
  4. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    I have also be using Linux for many years. Blender is very powerful, but hard to learn and use. I use Sketchup under Wine, under Linux to make 3d models. I canthen take them to Blender for final fixes and conversion to whatever.
  5. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Some helpful videos

    Hello and thank you for your interest, you can change the colors, manually or use the preset in the themes section, which can be reached from the drop-down menu at the top left.

    Blender Manual themes

    Blender is a bit confusing at first, but for those who use it for a long time as I, it was the most natural thing to use.
    I have started to make boats with Blender, (Viko_20) to demonstrate, to a friend of mine, he used SketchUp, you could be accurate, even with Blender, and so it began this study.
    And here some tutorials made with Blender. I'am sorry for the bad English :p

    Blender boat hull design with sweep rails

    From Blender to Free!Ship Plus

    Blender Yacht hull design

    Blender How to make drawing from 3D to 2D Draft

    Blender Surface Modelling With Network Curve
    Blender CAD SheetMetal design

    Examples of CSG modelling with Blender

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Drawing made in Blender

    These days I'll do some hulls and I will share the models in this post. See you soon and sorry for English:p
  6. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Thank`s for that information bhnautika.
  7. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Hi, I made a hull in Blender, The model is simple, and based on the design of a Bartender hull.
    I attached two files, one for FreeShip and the other a compressed file that contains the file for Blender.

    Happy Christmas.

    Corrected hull....:confused:

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  8. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
  9. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Some CAD Files

    I'm still here, I have prepared a sample draft in PDF with libreCAD (it crashes every 3 minutes)
    and I attached here also the file for FreeShip.
    Bye and see you next time.

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  10. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I have asked a question in computer software forum someone with Linux experience may be able to help me with.Thank`s if you can.
  11. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Hello, I have Ubuntu Linux and I can help you but I'm no expert, and everything that I know, I learned from the network, to better support I suggest you subscribe, in the forum of the linux distribution you've installed.

    Anyway back on topic I did some tweaks to the CAD drawing. Blender export line segments and does not support curves.
    Tomorrow I make another example to share.

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  12. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    boats plates development

    Hi, I'm done now to do some tests, and I came up the idea of using the map editor, to develop parts of the boat, I don't know how the outcome can be trusted, this is a preliminary test, and I haven't checked the result is correct, but if it is a correct result; then with Blender can also perform this task.

  13. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    An other examples

    Hi, here's another boat, this boat is based on draft by Michael Kasten Marine Design, the keel drift of the hull was not done well, however this boat is part of the studies that I did at this time to learn how to make boats adn hull with Blender.

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  14. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Bartender boat paper model

    Here's my first homemade boat with the help of development maps in Blender, with the paper seems to work, now I have to do more tests.


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  15. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I like the buoyancy in the bows but please do not put an outboard motor on it, it will spoil the whole performance and comfort.
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