Blekinge Eka for Outboard

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by DickT, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. DickT
    Joined: Apr 2008
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    DickT Junior Member

  2. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Well, I don't think 12 mph is achievable with that hull, you will have to content your self with about half that. That is a function of the shape of it, and the physics of resistance. That aside, it appears the boat is able to utilise an outboard for propulsion. You need to establish what shaft length it is designed for, and whether your engine is of the right length. Your engine is probably 2 or 3 times what is really needed in hp, for that boat, but you could still use it at a pinch. The best plan would be to use a larger diameter prop, with less pitch, too.
  3. DickT
    Joined: Apr 2008
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    DickT Junior Member

    Looks like it would need a 20" shaft and mine's a 15. I also don't think I'd be content with 6mph.
    Oh well, nice looking boat in any case.
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