biobased epoxy

Discussion in 'Materials' started by urisvan, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. urisvan
    Joined: Nov 2005
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    urisvan Senior Member


    what do you say about biobased epoxies compared to petrolium epoxies in terms of bonding to wood, tensile strenght and fatigue, longevity?

  2. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Many of those concerns can be answered by looking at the data sheet.

    From my experience with other bio resins there's not much of a difference. Most of the time the actual chemical make up of the raw materials is identical, the difference is that the source of these chemicals is supposedly more ECO friendly.

    Typically the finished resin has the same health, hazard and disposal concerns as a normal non Bio resin. So it's no better for the environment.

    This doesn't mean every new resin follows this pattern, but I don't remember seeing any that don't.

    If somebody creates a new resin that uses a different chemical make up to formulate it, then the physical properties can be very different.
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  3. urisvan
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    urisvan Senior Member

    so maybe the same enviroment unfriendly as normal epoxies but less strong
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    The physical properties should be listed on the data sheet, they may be identical to a normal epoxy or not, there's no way to tell without the test data.

  5. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I see this as a way to increase prices and improve profits while doing little or worse for the sake of our environment.
    ondarvr and comfisherman like this.
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