BIGGEST trailable yacht

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Richard Atkin, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. mr curious
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    mr curious gunkholer supreme

    the mac26s is a regular sail boat for sailers, it is not a power sailer.

    now you know. :p
  2. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    Where I live, you would need a special permit each time
    you moved it! $$$$$, Escort vehicles front and back $$$, and
    the permit would tell you when you could move it, most
    likely at night! AND you would need a CDL driver $$$!

    This could run into several hundred dollars each time!
  3. mr curious
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    mr curious gunkholer supreme

    true :( , out of my price range anyway...

    however, if you have the $$$ to buy one, you should have the $$$ to move one.
  4. Richard Atkin
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    Richard Atkin

    Deepsix...or anyone for that matter,
    Does the MacGregor 26 heel easily compared to the Hobie 33? I like the interior of the MacGregor 26 too. Can I expect it to carry 6 adults and a small amount of camping gear without it being overloaded?

    I am tossing up between the Hobie 33 and the MacGregor26. It's likely I will sail both before making a choice.
  5. Butch .H
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    Butch .H Senior Member

    Hobie 33 no comparison no contest
  6. RonR
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    RonR Junior Member

    One other that I haven't seen mentioned is the Odin28. Mfd. in Poland it look like an upgraded oversize MacGregor 26. It sailed (for me) fairly well and is presently in production, I believe..........

    Good luck
  7. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    I do not understand what you mean by camping ?

    Do you intent a day sailer, you beach every night, and sleep in a tent somewhere, or do you sleep in the boat cabin ?

    The empty weight of the macgregor 26 is 1150 kg. 6 adults + camping gear should be at least 600 kg. Quite heavy for the boat. I do not think it will match. Not saying a little crammed onboard. The real target of this boat is more 2 adults + 2-3 childs. Not 6 adults.

    I also think the hobie 33 is not ramp launchable nor beachable. The trailer shown in previous post need a crane to be put in water. You need to anchor it and use a tender to go ashore. Lifting keel is fine, but keels are heavy and lifting the keel can need some muscle and be quite boring, if done every day.

    If you are so many (between 6 and 8), why not use TWO boats ? You can find boats within 20 25" that can carry without problem 3-4 adults, and are relatively easily trailerable.
    And you can even do match racing.
  8. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Wow - 2 different boats indeed!

    Forget 6 adults in a Macgregor for more than an hour on calm water- its more like 2 adults, 1 (possibly 2) smaller kids and some gear for extended sailing trips. (but then I enjoy a bit of peace and quiet)

    Whats the difference in price ? I imagine the Mac is a lot cheaper. - and its only 2500 kilos to tow. You will probably be able to buy two Macs for the towings and storage costs of the Hobie 33 over 3 or 4 years.
  9. deepsix
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    deepsix Senior Member

    This should be a relatively simple decision to make. Do you find the thought of starting the engine and being able to plane appealing?

    If you answer yes, the macGregor is probably a good boat for you. If you answered no then realise that lots of compromises have been made to give it this ability. If you will not use the boat as a power boat why accept these compromises.

    I suggested the Hobie 33 because it is a really cool boat and is about as big as you can get which is still trailerable. Although you could conceivably trailer the boat, it is a big boat and will be quite a hassle to do so. I dont think that it is the type of boat which you keep at home and hitch to the car to go for a day of sailing. It would probably work best if you can keep the boat somewhere near the slip with the mast up. Then you could ramp launch the boat yourself. Where I sail we dont have the luxury of cranes and travel lifts so we ramp launch 30 footers quite frequently. The bigger boats require a tractor or a vehicle with a low ratio gearbox otherwise you can do some serious damage to your clutch if you pull it up a steep ramp.

    The keel on a hobie is lifted by an electric winch, but the rudder is a conventional spade rudder which is not easily removed. This means that you cannot beach the boat.

    I consider the hobie trailerable because you do not need wide load permits or professionals to move your boat. It will never be as easy and simple to trailer as the smaller trailer sailers.
  10. mr curious
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    mr curious gunkholer supreme


    the mac 26s is not a power sailer....

  11. deepsix
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    deepsix Senior Member

  12. Butch .H
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    Butch .H Senior Member

    I came across a Mac 26 and hid under my bed for two weeks. I thought the person wanted to give it to me:D
  13. mr curious
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    mr curious gunkholer supreme

    lol :p
  14. mr curious
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    mr curious gunkholer supreme

    very common... :D

  15. rapscallion
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    rapscallion Senior Member

    The hobie 33 is one of the greatest production sailboats of the 20th century. The Mac 25 actually made it into the sailboat hall of Fame. Both good boats, but I think you are looking for one of these.
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