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Big Set of Big Spline Weights 5lbs each

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by mattyishboo, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. mattyishboo
    Joined: Jun 2012
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    mattyishboo New Member

    Hello all.
    These were my grandfathers Spline weights/ drafting whales
    They look like Whales. They are solid cast Lead
    They weigh just about 5 lbs each
    Made By a company called lines

    He was an aerospace engineer for Boeing during his career and was an avid sailor as well.
    Due to his recent passing i am clearing out his estate.
    I found a big box of Spline weights in very usable condition. they are not the prettiest weights. could use a fresh coat of paint and they are lead so some have a dings on their tops and sides.
    But they are all very mechanically sound and functional.
    So Far I have Found 19 spline weights that are 5lbs each
    Most all have felt bottoms (i think all but 1)

    I have been online and it looks like comparable ones sell for ~$35 new
    Im looking for someone to hopefully buy them all for $15 each

    So that is $300 + Free shipping in the US

    $300 is my goal. if you think that is a fair price give me a call
    Or if you can give me a best offer give me a call

    They will ship out of Columbus OHIO

    (310) 801-7857
  2. mattyishboo
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    mattyishboo New Member

    Does anyone out there think this is a fair price?
    I have no idea of what they are worth
    I know they are outdated since computers can just be used now.

    Is $7.50 a weight better?
    $150 for the bulk group?

    (310) 801-7857
  3. davhill
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    davhill Junior Member

    Computers or not, ducks remain useful on the loft floor. Your price is fair enough .. the problem is finding a buyer. The heart of the issue is that someone who needs 20 ducks already has em, and you're selling too many for the more casual buyer. The six I have serve me well enough .. more would be nice but I don't need them enough to spend 150. You might try splitting into 2 or 3 lots. You might try ebay .. there is no better way to find what something is really worth than to sell by auction.
  4. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    15 dollars with shipping sounds fair for something that weighs 5 pounds. $7.50 sounds even better. I don't think the problem is the price. It's just supply and demand. Not many people need this type of thing. Eventually some new westlawn student or a guy planning a small build will find this thread.
  5. davhill
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    davhill Junior Member

    By the way, USPS Flat Rate shipping boxes are the best way to ship these, if you can stand the withering glare of the post office clerk when you drop that box on her counter.

  6. mattyishboo
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    mattyishboo New Member

    Ok Thanks. I'll put them on ebay
    There are 4 slightly different designs but all the same weight.
    I'll post them in groups of 5

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