Best View in FreeShip software

Discussion in 'Software' started by AmnonMikeCohen, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. AmnonMikeCohen
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    AmnonMikeCohen Inventor

    Hi all,
    I have a problem remembering/finding how do I get again to see my designs in the best
    viewing/inspection Perspective view.
    Searching the menu is not helping me, when I try every combination available, and it is strange as nothing is wrong with the software - it is just that I have not used it for 10 months.

    Here is what I did, but I can not do this again = see the body in a fine view.
    freeship perspective.jpg
    I hope you know why I am having this problem and how I can again view any or the drawings in its Highest view.

    Thank you all

  2. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    If you want to change it from course meshing to fine meshing, hit the down arrow in box that says "lowest" (it says "highest in your image) and select high, highest. This affects all windows and calculations.

    If you have closed the perspective window, you can open one in the "window" button on the top bar.

    If you have minimized the perspective window, it disappears to a tiny button at the bottom of the screen, and you may need to scroll down to see any trace of it.
    AmnonMikeCohen likes this.
  3. AmnonMikeCohen
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    AmnonMikeCohen Inventor

    Thanks, Phil.
    I have Version Free!Ship 3.13+ and as I open A Project and again plays with the Low, Medium, High, and Highest meshing, I still do not get the original FINE/Bright one I am showing here.

    Do I need to play/work with Layer Properties or any of the other Manu option which I can work with, say by employing the Selection option all/None?
    This is real strange, tricky, and I do not remember how I did it — but I think I did it by one CLICK because it did show any imperfections in the skins/Layers

    I have just played with the Right Click of the mouse, within the Perspective view window, and found the extended menu options which leads to the answer.
    YES, it is in the "Mode"->"Shade" =Ctrl+F Option.

    Thanks for helping Phil.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
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