Best motor system for a racing tri?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Swift, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. Swift
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    Swift Junior Member

    Just relaunched my F40 tri, and I’m not happy with the outboard setup I have. It is a new F25 Yamaha 4 stroke 56Kg in a sliding well behind the cockpit I was wondering if there is a better system out there.. I’m looking at going for a Nanni 14hp diesel 92 KG with a shaft drive and a Gori racing prop. I will save approx. 70kg

    1 The well contains 117lites of water, at rest, when a surge comes through it doubles and covers the upper exhaust when down in a motoring mode.

    2 If I transfer the motor to the stern, I will have the old problem of cavitation in rough weather, just when you need it to work. Plus the weight in the back problem

    3 As it is the boat is sitting down on the stern at anchor, with an inboard diesel I can adjust the position of the diesel to balance the boat better. Looked at some basic cost for electric drive but the cost at this stage is double, plus the disadvantage of an extremely wet boat. The balance at this stage does not affect the boat when sailing.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    So what motor is that, a high thrust model with an extra long leg ?
  3. Swift
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    Swift Junior Member

    standard 4 stroke motor with a high trust prop, short shaft. The long shaft is too big to fit into the boat. plus won't stop the problem of water around the upper exhaust or the amount of water in the outboard box.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Without pictures it is a bit hard to visualize the set-up. I take it the outboard is not used to steer ?

  5. Swift
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    Swift Junior Member

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