best method for removing fiberglass itch!

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Logan Jager, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. Logan Jager

    Logan Jager Guest

    So we've all heard many of the usual remedies for fiberglass itching. The best two that I have heard is using tape and "pulling" the glass out ouf your skin, and taking a cold shower. I was wondering, what do you guys use to alleviate this timless problem? :)
  2. danmarine
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    danmarine Junior Member

    Stopping the itch...

    cover exposed skin with a heavy coat of talcum powder before grinding work(supposedly closes the pores) and wash work clothes separate...
  3. Lew Morris
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    Lew Morris Industrial Designer

    Ditto the talcum powder, and don't be stingy with it either. It fills in the pores in the skin which excludes the glass particles.

    I also use it on my respirator straps. Using a throw-away collar liner (rolled up soft paper towel) and dusting a LOT of talc on it goes a long way toward stopping the irritation on the back of my neck. And tape up your cuffs with masking tape. Gloves are for sissies... I must be a sissy; dust the insides with huge quantites of talc.

    Get used to working hot... Tyvek paper overalls are a god-send if you can afford them. I just bill them to my customers as expendables.

    I always start out with cold water shower. I think it closes the pores so the major stuff washes off. After about as long as I can stand it, I switch to hot water. The REAL deal is to soak in the hot tub for 30 minutes. The pores open up and the rest of the stuff is sweated out... run the filter daily and change water often...
  4. sailsnail
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    sailsnail Junior Member

    For prevention I use a milking salve (yes, the kind they use on cows teats).

    And the only thing I have found to relieve the itch is running water, as hot as you can stand it for about a minuit or two. Fortunately, I only get it on the inside of my wrists and between the fingers.

  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I use talc and a product called Liquid Glove. It's sort of a real thin latex paint for people. Coat areas like joints, hands, collar/neck, waist band as if you where using hand cream, let dry and have at it. It seals the pores and lets your skin breath too, I'm not sure how, but it does work. It washes off and can also rub off, can be sweated off (especially after a good drunk) so plan accordingly. Most paint stores carry it, I get it from my epoxy supplier.
  6. yipster
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    yipster designer

    why a cold shower? i was always thinking a hot shower was sweating the glas out...
  7. samknight

    samknight Guest


    do not scratch or rub areas that itch, that only works the fiberglass in deeper. as soon as possible take a cold shower this will close the pores of your skin. a hot shower will open the pores and make the fiberglass go deeper. the important thing is do not rub or scratch.


    I take a hot bath with baby oil added to the water after a cold shower wash down. The cold water closes the pores so you can wash f/g off, then the hot bath will open the pores so to wash some of the f/g out of the skin, then the baby oil will make the the skin soft and oily so any remaining f/g will not be felt. The real trick is prevention, wrap up, cover up, tape up. I use a tyvek coveralls with gloves, taped at the rist & angles, and a tyvek air supplied hood made by Bullard. To overcome the heat issue I have a small ac window unit mounted in a box which I place the air blower for the hood as to blow cool air in the hood. If using a air hose to supply air to the hood, coil a section of the air line in a ice chest and fill it with ice to cool the air as it passes through the chest.
  9. Rob T

    Rob T Guest

    Hot water, cold water, cream, face east and only grind on the first thursday of any month, make a salve of eye-of-newt. take your pick...

    The best way to avoid rash is to get someone else to do the grinding, in fact all of the building. :)
    However, if your burdened with some need to be around FRP boat building then rash is one of the character building, indeed spiritually enlightening, experiences to enjoy.
    If you plan to do much FRP work then don't worry, you'll get used to it (after a week or so you won't even notice it) - if its only one job, then don't worry it's only one job.

    As has been mentioned wear a Tyvek paper suit (and USE the hood), rubber dish gloves with cheap cotton gloves underneath.
    Dust mask, goggles, earmuffs, and get in there!

  10. War Whoop
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    War Whoop Senior Member

    All the Above and to avoid Divorce do not ever get your clothing mixed with hers in the wash.
  11. donjames
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    donjames Junior Member

    Ive been in the constuction industry for many years ,Try silk I don't know exactly why it works but it does, It has something to do with static elec. Just use a piece the size of a hand towel, you can wash it and it holds up for an incredible amount of time.
  12. RThompson

    RThompson Guest

    do not EVER get your clothing mixed with hers :D

  13. TheFisher
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    TheFisher Junior Member

    I will have to concur. Never, ever get your glassing clothes mixed with hers! Don't ask how I know that so strongly :eek: :D
  14. donjames
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    donjames Junior Member

    You guys are right, Buy a used washer and a cloths line and put it in your shop Love could'nt be simpler.

  15. dereksireci
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    dereksireci Senior Member


    Hire somebody else to do the grinding.
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