Beam Position Fore & Aft

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by FLAMUS, Nov 13, 2014.

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    FLAMUS New Member

    I am a brand new member of Forums..I am also a beginner at boat design..
    I am actually trying to design a 8.64 meters LOA / 3 meters Beam
    Planing & all Rounder power boat hull : taking my inspiration from the "Pro-Line" (or "MAKO") Boats style..
    I would be glad to have your advice on : at what Percentage Point,
    Fore & Aft of the LOA, should the Beam ideally be situated ?
    Is 60% Aft From the Bow, a good situation point for the 3 meters wide Beam..? and, is a Transom width of 2.85 meters at its Deck edge, good
    for assuring Planing stability, and providing a wide fishing platform ?

    Those were my very first questions..

    I am glad to be a member of Boat Design Forum!

    Thanks a lot & Regards,

    François (FLAMUS).
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It depends on many factors. For example, are you installing an outboard or a sterndrive? A cuddy cabin will shift weight forward compared to a center console. Width at the deck edge is less important than at the waterline. Take the values as starting points, and see if they work for the design. Proline and Makos have quite different hulls. If you have access to some, take some rough measurements and compare them. Also, having measurements from well performing boats will let you know if your design is outside normal parameters.
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    FLAMUS New Member

    Thank you very much for your feedback, Mr Gonzo : I will try to have access to some similar boat and take some rough measurements...
    I will very probably need, from time to time, valuable advice like yours to help me with my actual design, and, possibly, future designs as well.. Because I am very new and still inexperienced at boat design...
    So, if you are keen to share your experience, and exchange valuable tips concerning boat hull ratios and parameters, with me, I will be very glad and grateful..!
    Thanks a lot again!

  4. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    I am not sure I understand your terminology. by beam to you mean a thwart? a horizontal structural member than braces the port and starboard gunwale? or are you talking about the beams (or beams) used on a multi-hull boat to joint the hulls on a catamaran or trimaran? Or a beam that supports a deck? Beams are usually horizontal members that carry vertical loads, such as the beams supporting or under a floor or cargo deck, or they can be the main cross beams on a multi-hull boat.

    Do you have pictures you can post of what you have in mind, or a sketch or drawing? this might help us understand your question. It sounds like you are talking about a sport fishing boat or private pleasure boat? please give us more information so we can assist you better.
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    He means the point of maximum width, imo.
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    FLAMUS New Member

    Thank you for your reply Mr Petros :

    By Beam, I mean the Widest part (widest section of the hull:
    I would like to know its optimal % point,fore & aft of the LOA
    ( fore & aft of the LWL as well!!), for a Sport fisher / Planing pleasure craft of
    LOA 8.64 Meters /3 Meters-Wide Beam (is a 3 meters Beam too wide for a
    LOA of 8.64 meters.. Is a Transom width of 2.85 Meters o.k. for such a Boat ??
    and, how long should be the Straight keel Line ( the horizontal-straight Part of the keel line, preceding the Bow Overhang ).
    For the moment, i cannot unfortunately forward you Photos or Sketches. i would like to know how to send you drawings & Sketches in the future??
    Thank you very much for your assistance, Mr Petros.
    Best regards,

  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Ideally, to design anything like this, you need to understand the reasoning behind the shapes and proportions employed. Even if they are more for aesthetic appearance than actual function. Otherwise, you are just guessing, and maybe guessing wrong, and creating a 'boat-like' object, rather than something more functional, that you can explain why it is designed the way it is, not because some other boat looks a certain way and you decide to mimic it.
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