
Discussion in 'Materials' started by kach22i, Feb 17, 2021.

  1. kach22i
    Joined: Feb 2005
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    Location: Michigan

    kach22i Architect

    On the topic of potentially fantastic new materials, here is one that absorbs a lot of vibration - good for car seats and I'm thinking in stereo equipment although I haven't found anyone using it in that industry just yet. Car seats for McLaren, body parts for Porsche, snowboards, surfboards, bicycle frames, and so forth. Can boat hulls and hovercraft applications be far behind?

    Home website:
    Sustainable Lightweighting for High Performance - Bcomp https://www.bcomp.ch/

    Bcomp articles:
    Bcomp Ltd. https://www.compositesworld.com/suppliers/bcompltd

    McLaren F1 Spins Flax into Racing Gold
    McLaren F1 Spins Flax into Racing Gold https://www.designnews.com/materials/mclaren-f1-spins-flax-racing-gold
    I'm kind of confused on the 5 X's verses 250% figures above, so maybe someone better at math and reading can sort it out for me.

    Article I first found this product in, see below.

    McLaren, Bcomp use natural composite fibers in F1 racing seat
    The flax fibers meet strength and stiffness requirements while reducing vibration, cost, enhancing safety and lowering its CO2 footprint by 75%.
    McLaren, Bcomp use natural composite fibers in F1 racing seat https://www.compositesworld.com/news/mclaren-bcomp-uses-natural-composite-fibers-in-f1-racing-seat

    Sports - Bcomp https://www.bcomp.ch/solutions/sports/
  2. kach22i
    Joined: Feb 2005
    Posts: 2,419
    Likes: 111, Points: 63, Legacy Rep: 1222
    Location: Michigan

    kach22i Architect

    Greenboats Flax27
    Greenboats Flax27 - Bcomp https://www.bcomp.ch/news/greenboats-flax27/
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