Basalt fibre yacht launched

Discussion in 'Materials' started by alan craig, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. alan craig
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    alan craig Senior Member

  2. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Yes, I'm building with basalt. Basicly it's technical properties are very much like S-glass, wets better than glass or carbon. Costs more than E-glass..
    BR Teddy
  3. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    The key to this article
    "basalt fiber was originally patented in the US in 1923."

    "Fipofix's claimed innovation isn't so much in the material, then, but in the processing and application of that material. The company began as a 2009 collaboration between Austrian technology group Kapsch and Yacht Construction Consulting. The parties innovated a new way of processing brittle, touchy volcanic fibers into rugged, unidirectional fabric purpose-built for nautical use. They called the processing system "Fiber Positioning Fixation" (or Fipofix), submitted a patent application in 2011, then formed Fipofix GmbH.

    "Positioning fibers without damaging them represents the greatest challenge in the manufacturing of composite materials," Kapsch explained in 2013. "Up to 40 percent of the filaments of a roving are damaged in previous processing methods, such as weaving, stapling and sewing, which results in decreased performance of the product under compressive and tensile loads. Fipofix bonds the positioned fibers to the respective matrix for the final processing of the fabric without using foreign materials for fixation, such as yarns, clamps or other adhesives that additionally weaken the part.""

  4. TeddyDiver
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Fibofix can speak only for themselves becouse others have completed the production process long before them.. Basicly the article is pure marketing hype IMO.
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