ballasted cat of old

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by salglesser, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. salglesser
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    salglesser Junior Member

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for some memory. About 35 years ago, I was studying and gathering info on boats in my normal obsessive/compulsive habit, I remember a design for which I'm trying to dig up info. I no longer have the information and could kick myself for getting rid of all of that great info.

    It was a catamaran, about 23' demountable, simple accomodations in each hull with a ballasted centerboard. The name "Meyer's" sticks, but it's foggy. I remember seeing pictures (photos) of the hulls in what might have been a multihulls magazine.

    Does anyone remember or have info on this design?

    Thanx in advance.

  2. kaamaman
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    kaamaman Junior Member

    Miller 24'
  3. salglesser
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    salglesser Junior Member

    Thanx much Kaamamen. Any idea where I might be able to find more information?

  4. kaamaman
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    kaamaman Junior Member

    What kind of info are you looking for?
    Here's a ad.


    Attached Files:

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  5. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    "The cabin is an emergency boat"? That was an interesting selling point....
  6. salglesser
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    salglesser Junior Member

    Great stuff. Thanx for the ad. Good memories. Wonder if there are any around?

  7. teamvmg
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    teamvmg Senior Member

    There was a clip on Youtube of an early ballasted 30 foot catamaran sailing in the Solent. I think it was Misty Miller. The thing is pushed too hard and it lays down on its side, gets up and carries on again!
    Can anyone find it?
  8. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    I remember a similar clip where the boat had a masthead float. Same ?
  9. aabella
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    aabella Junior Member

  10. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Thats the one !
  11. teamvmg
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    teamvmg Senior Member

    Nice one, thanks for that.
    some of the boats on that video are best forgotten I think!
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  12. salglesser
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    salglesser Junior Member

    Hey Kaamaman,

    Your info worked for me. I was able to chase down Reg Miller and we had a nice discussion about his boats. Lots of guys like him with great history that's tough to find.

    Young fella, 'bout my age (70). Seems like the production boats and tooling were burned up in a fire decades ago so there's nothing left of his project. Too bad.

    thanx again for the help.

  13. kaamaman
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    kaamaman Junior Member

    Happy it worked out for you sal.

    Shame there is nothing left,looked like a interesting design.
  14. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    Hi salglesser
    I was looking through some old books over the holida break and one of them has the design in question in it the one in the video. it has the lines and quite a lot of detail in a write up. I could scan it some time in the new year and send it to you if you wanted.

  15. salglesser
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    salglesser Junior Member

    Hi Outside the box,

    Thanx, sure I would like to get more info. Really a shame the molds are gone. He's an interesting fellow. I would appreicate your posting some stuff.

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