B.Eng Naval Architecture

Discussion in 'Education' started by Dec10, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Dec10
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    Dec10 Junior Member

    Hi, I'm interested in taking up a course in Naval Architecture, however, unlike most of the people on this forum, i would like to learn more about commercial vessels and offshore platforms rather than yachts. Could anyone kindly just provide me with some options? I was looking at TUHH's naval architecture course, im pretty interested in it, however, i'd like to know if there are actually better options. Thank you
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What countries are you able to study in ?
  3. Dec10
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    Dec10 Junior Member

    i'd prefer to study somewhere in Europe or UK. I was thinking of Germany because of its oh-so-famous engineering, plus, i'd learn German. Somehow the idea of learning a new language appeals to me lol.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    As far as I know, no Naval Architecture course you can settle in a few months. NA's career can last several years, between 4 and 6 years. Have you thought about that?
  5. Dec10
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    Dec10 Junior Member

    Well, to begin with, i'm looking for a B.eng in Naval Architecture so i wasn't thinking of a course that only lasts a few months. And yes, i am interested in becoming one :) Btw thank you guys for replying so far, kinda nervous, first time asking on here
  6. Dec10
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    Dec10 Junior Member

    Just some additional information, i'm actually a student from Singapore, currently taking a diploma in Marine and Offshore Technology. Yes, i know that locally there's a university called SIT that provides a Naval arch degree by Newcastle University. However, i'm just worried about the entry requirements because its kinda difficult to get into a university over here. Moreover, i'm interested in going abroad just for the experience and also because i'd like to study somewhere with a higher quality in education provided :).
  7. cmckesson
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    If the USA is an option for you, look into the University of New Orleans. They have an excellent program at very modest cost.
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A couple of friends of mine graduated from there. They are satisfied with the course and both are employed since graduation.
  9. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

  10. Dec10
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    Dec10 Junior Member

    cool, i'll check both Southampton and New Orleans out. Southampton sounds reaaaaallly good though, wonder if its hard to get in that one. Thanks for replying peepz, pretty darn sure you guys get this sort of question so often that you guys get annoyed.
  11. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Well, you're not doing yourself any favours.

    Just click the tab/link that says "Entry Requirements", for the course!
  12. Dec10
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    Dec10 Junior Member

    It's not listed there, thats why haha, i emailed em asking about it :)
  13. Ike
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    Take a look at this school in Germany. I have no idea what it costs or it's reputation.

    However I do know this about German Naval Architects. In 1969-71 I worked along side a Naval Architect who got his degree in Germany, I believe he was from Hamburg but I don't remember the university. it was a German University. The guy was brilliant. He was one of the finest Naval Architects I have ever worked with and I have worked with quite a few. If they teach like that in Germany I can understand why you would want to consider it. Back when I was in High School (the 60's) they had a Naval Architect visit my school and he said " take German as a foreign language because that's where the best schools are". I don't know if that's still true but I do know they have excellent engineering schools.
  14. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Well, from your replies it seems you shall not be granted entry. As English ability is a prerequisite. You have failed to read a simple website:

    soton uni.jpg

  15. Dec10
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    Dec10 Junior Member

    maybe I wasn't clear in my previous reply, but what I meant was that not all certifications are listed amongst the entry requirements. In my case, the diploma wasn't listed amongst there, hence, I have to email them about it...relax lol, I know you're trying to help but yea..
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