Auxiliary outboard power to boat ratio

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by valvebounce, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. valvebounce
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    I have a 14ft family speed boat,it is fairly light and can be lifted off the rollers on the trailer bow or stern with a little effort.The main outboard is a 18hp Evinrude(2 stroke)
    I have a 3.3hp Evinrude outboard that I would like to use as an auxiliary engine.
    Would there be enough power in it to use as an auxiliary?
    The boat will never be carrying much of a load,two people,and some fishing gear max.
  2. The Q
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    The Q Senior Member

    You don't say In what waters you'll be using it. Certainly on the Norfolk Broads that would be OK, as would it be on the lakes / reservoirs and very sheltered inshore waters near you. Against a strong river flow or at sea in anything but a flat calm it would be a little small.
    For just moving from fishing point to point on a lake or a little trolling it would be ideal.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Should work fine and push loads faster than you could row the boat.

    For fishing most folks chose an electric trolling motor , ez start & stop & no exhaust stink.

  4. valvebounce
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Thanks for your replies guys,
    I will be using the boat for close inshore boat fishing.(North Wales coast)

    I don't intend to use the engine for trolling etc,just as a backup.

    Because I am getting past my sellby date,the lighter engine would be easier for me to handle if I have to bring it into operation.
    I have a 5hp Yamaha engine which is fairly light,but the 3.3 would be more convenient.
    I would choose the right weather and sea state to go out in it of course.
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