Autoship/AutoStructure - Hull Shape Change

Discussion in 'Software' started by alidesigner, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. alidesigner
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    alidesigner Senior Member

    Can anyone using Autoship/Autostructure explain what happens to the structure when the hull shape is changed, for example made longer or wider. Do the frames, bulkheads, stringers and drawings update to the new lines or does it all have to be drawn again?

    Also what about the nests, do those parts update or not?

  2. immaculate
    Joined: Apr 2013
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    immaculate Junior Member

    Sorry to say, but only the hull will change. All inside components will need to be revised manually.
  3. alidesigner
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    alidesigner Senior Member

    That's unfortunate. Their website says

    "Automatic regeneration of affected parts after scantling and location changes or changes to the hull shape"
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