ARQN , new software : naval architecture calculations for everyone .

Discussion in 'Software' started by TANSL, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The first question that anyone can ask is : was needed a new application for calculations of naval architecture? . The answer, if we only contemplate the quality and quantity of the calculation is: NO.
    All applications on the market perform all these calculations perfectly . The problem ARQN solves is not in the quality of calculations but the quality of the model used for them .If the model is not very accurate, the results we get will not be correct .And this is a big problem that many of us have. This is where ARQN really is necessary and different, so I have the pleasure of exposing today for the consideration of all of you.
    ARQN creates,automatically , the 3D models used to perform the project´s calculations .Starting from a 2D body lines plan, drawn in the traditional way , the application can make the most complicated models in a few minutes .
    ARQN has three versions: Medium, Professional and Expert .
    We want to offer all users of this forum, for free, the Medium version , giving :

    • Body lines plan
    • 3D Models , exportable in dwg , dxf or igs format to other applications
    • Bonjean values ​​of frames .
    • hydrostatic calculations, tables and curves
    • KN values ​​and cross curves of stability
    • Forecast Power , Holtrop - Mennen
    ARQN uses AutoCAD (32 bits) as drawing module so it has to be installed on the client´s computer . This may be inconvenient , but instead , results in graph and printouts of extraordinary quality .
    ARQN downloadable from TANSL website. For more information or post download assistance , email me
    Your opinions and advice will be taken into account.Thank you all.

    see video for a Tug 3D model :

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    ARQN :Some graphics and printouts

    Have a look, please.
    Your comments will be really appreciated.

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  3. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    Don't You think that another application suitable for 'dummy use' will further degrade the work of qualified naval architect? Say, FreeShip was though for use by NA students, but now actually presents a wrong impression of availability of boat design to anyone without clew in the field, but with use of 'magic software'? I have seen stability of cruiser-racing sailboat done to IMO Intact Stability Code criteria; just self-explaining sample.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Alik, thanks for your opinión.
    Do not know what you mean, does that have anything to do with ARQN?
    In the first paragraph of post # 1 I have clearly said what I think about the need for a new application. I think I'm very honest.
    ARQN aims to solve a problem , I think , many ship designers have : the difficulty of creating a reliable model of the boat they have to calculate .
    ARQN automates some of the other jobs that are associated with the making of a complete Project : printouts and graphs . Gets unbeatable outputs.
    ARQN has, among other things, a module, for tanks definition with great advantages over other applications.
    Etc. .
    From here I want to say that anyone who does not have knowledge of naval architecture can not make reliable projects with ARQN .
    I do not want to provide a tool for fans who play to be designers.
    ARQN tells the designer : what you already know to do "by hand " will be made faster with me, more accurate and nicer .
    I want designers with experience to examine it and, if they consider it useful for something, the adopt it as a working tool .
    Does this justify a new application ? , does this have some "magical"?, you have to say .
    I am happy to answer all questions you want to ask.
  5. jim_restoration_project
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    jim_restoration_project Junior Member

    I understand your point. I'm a dummy (no, really I am... as regards this conversation topic anyway). I wanted resistance numbers for my boat so did what any half-intelligent person would do... hit the web searches.

    Once I'd worked out that Math wouldn't do it, I tried DelftShip/FreeShip and worked out it would take me a lot of time/effort and I wouldn't be able to be confident of the results at the end of the process anyway.

    TANSL took my Lines, fed it into his software module and produce a report (indeed, that sample report in this thread... that's my boat) same day (well, next working day... still very quick!).

    Now, I don't know if other software can do the same as quickly/easily/completely or not (as I'm a layperson), but from the outside looking in there seems to be a prima facie case for ARQN in the toolbag of someone who knows how to use it (I don't, I just wanted the figures on certain pages, the rest I don't fully understand to say the least!). I don't have AutoCad (a prerequisite, that costs a fair amount of course) either so even with 'magic software' the entry barrier is still set substantially high - even if I had AutoCad I don't have the skills/experience/knowledge to get decent results/interpret the results.

    As TANSL is giving a version of his software away for free, I struggle to see the downside. Give it a go!
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Thanks for your words, Jim. But now I see that maybe I should not have used the results of your project. If you see any problems, will substitute them for another project. Sorry.
  7. jim_restoration_project
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    jim_restoration_project Junior Member

    I'm happy for you to use the final report as a Case Study.
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    some more outputs

    I would greatly appreciate your comments, questions or suggestions.
    Thank you all.

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  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The company Sherbrooke Shipbuilding Shop (SSS) is conducting several lofting courses and, as training materials, they needed the vectorization of some old planes. The object was to get information, full body lines plan, to create half hull models in wood. To this effect, a venture collaboration was made by which TAN sl was responsible for transforming the information available, a jpg file, copy of the old body lines, perform the vectorization of the shapes to get a body lines plan in digital format and a 3D virtual model. SSS urgently needed this information to incorporate into their courses that are already in operation. The work was made by means of ARQN, TAN sl´s software and now, with permission from Sherbrooke Shipbuilding Shop, I have the pleasure of putting it in this forum. From the starting point 1 (file jpg) through hydrostatics (file .doc), they have passed less than two working days.

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  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Tanks definition with ARQN

    Tanks definition, 3D model
    Sounding table and curves

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  11. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Can it output a table of offsets with equally-spaced stations and waterlines?
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, of course, in that sense has no limitations. But if you indicate me a specific case, perhaps I can give more specific explanations.
  13. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    For some of my hydrodynamic programs (Michlet, Flotilla, Hullswarm
    etc) I need as input a table of offsets which has an odd number of
    stations and waterlines. A very small example (for a Wigley hull) is

    0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    0.000000, 0.050006, 0.085725, 0.107156, 0.114300
    0.000000, 0.066675, 0.114300, 0.142875, 0.152400
    0.000000, 0.050006, 0.085725, 0.107156, 0.114300
    0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000

    The first column is the baseline, the last column is the top
    waterline. The first row is the bow-most station (all zeroes).
    The last row is the sternmost station: it contains all zeroes
    if there is no transom.

    If your program can output a table like that, it would be very easy
    for me to make a batch file so users can automatically create an input
    file and then run some simple hydrodynamic calculations, e.g.
    resistance, squat, wave patterns and hull wave profiles. (The programs
    I mentioned are all free.)
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I've attached a spreadsheet with an example of the information ARQN can generate.
    You need to have previously drawn frames in 2D. The frames can have the separation you want, equally or not equally spaced. In a table, similar to the example, you indicated the heights of the water lines you want to study. The program calculates semimangas water in those lines and the upper and lower points of each frame. The output currently occurs in the same worksheet that was used to define the water lines, but could occur in any other format indicated by the user (the program should be adapted).
    The reverse process is also possible: with a table of offsets, for example, in Excel, the program draws the frames and make the 3D model to calculate hydrostatic, and other naval architecture calculations.
    (This part of the program is free. See my first post)

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  15. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Thanks, TANSL. The offset table is not quite in the right format but it would be very easy for users to transpose it in Excel.

    Unfortunately I don't have AutoCad so it is of no use to me. Anyway, I'm more interested in how other people can get ARQN to work with other programs.
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