Archimedes DFH/GHS to any other format?

Discussion in 'Software' started by jackason, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. jackason
    Joined: Aug 2005
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    jackason Junior Member


    I have just completed transfering some offsets into a design on "Archimedes".
    Of course after I finished I relized I can't export them out to as a genric cad file or anything else other than a DFH or GHS file. I was planing on exporting it to "freeship" or "cadstd" for some more work. thanks inadvance for any help.

  2. CGN
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    CGN Senior Member

    Download deadweight:

    Reads GHS files and saves as DXF, this way you can convert your GHS file from Archimedes to DXF.

    To export to Freeship you can ask Martjin (freeship), but can you do the model on freeship? I think it will be easier to manipulate your file between software's.

  3. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    TouchCAD both reads and writes Archimedes GHS files.
  4. jamac
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    jamac Junior Member

    Hi there,

    Your best bet for a free option is exporting to deadweight and then importing to freeship.

    Touchcad is a good option if you have access to the software (very powerfull).

    The new version (Archimedes MB currently in beta with registered, interested users) allows direct export to FreeShip offset files for tranfering a model from Archimedes back to a surface file.

    If you need any help please feel free to drop me a line.

    Best Regards

  5. oceanmaster66
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    oceanmaster66 Junior Member

    You can download a demo copy of Rhino - you get 25 saves with the demo - it has a GHS import/export option.
  6. GHS
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    GHS Junior Member

    Send you GHS output to me at and I will convert it to Rhino3d or dxf.
  7. jackason
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    jackason Junior Member



    Downloaded deadweight and was able to export frames/hull from arch. and open in deadweight but the 4 content panels didn't show my file. Weird, because it opened it up fine and showed a file tree as is "hull, tanks, sail". Downloaded some sample files from deadweight and they showed up fine and retried my file once more with no luck. I'll download rhino and give it a shot. At the very worst I hope get my file exported to another format, then I can work on a better solution.


  8. GHS
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    GHS Junior Member

    Deadweight will not read a GHS file if the header format is wrong. I am the manager at GHS and would be happy to help you convert the file to dxf or 3dm if you like.
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