AQWA Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by Saeed.B, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. Saeed.B
    Joined: Apr 2017
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    Saeed.B Junior Member

    Hey everybody
    I'm beginner with AQWA, but I need it for my master thesis. My thesis is bout an moored FPSO. when i run AQWA with a Geometry, this error comes:


    would you please Help?!!

  2. b1ck0
    Joined: Mar 2010
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    b1ck0 Senior Member

    I am not 100% sure why you get this error but you can just re-mesh it may solve it, unless you have very thin body in the water ...
  3. Saeed.B
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    Saeed.B Junior Member

    well, I did. but it doesn't changed. this error comes up again. and by "very thin body in the water" you mean low draft, no it's not, at least 12 meter draft (even in comparison with other dimensions it's not low).

    thanks by the way
  4. b1ck0
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    b1ck0 Senior Member

    By very thin body in the water I mean that you have two (or more) surfaces/plates which are very close to each other (or maybe it's only 1 surface). In AQWA your surfaces must "add-up" to a displacement body, in other words they need to enclose some volume.
  5. Saeed.B
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    Saeed.B Junior Member

    You mean I need a enclosed surface?
    A Body with empty inside?
  6. nsefui
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    nsefui New Member

    Maybe you can choose this option?Hydrodynamic Diffraction-Analysis Settings(details)-Common Analysis Options-choose the Ignore Modelling Rule to YES.

    I'm a beginner in AQWA.So I don't know whether it's the right solution for this problem.
  7. Saeed.B
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    Saeed.B Junior Member

    Would you please take a screenshot for me?
    I don't know how to do it.

  8. Sri
    Joined: Jan 2018
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    Sri New Member

    You are works with this modelling option
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