apprenticeship offered on 48ft custom catamaran build in Florida

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by tevake118, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. tevake118
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    tevake118 Junior Member

    I have been a multihull builder since 1976 . I want to transfer my skill set concerning construction and restoration of composite multihulls in my boatyard/shop to someone who can afford to stay dedicated acquiring these skills for a period of one year. The work will include, all of the following, while continuing the build of my 48 ft custom catamaran:
    1) designing a live-aboard catamaran for very little money, and around 6k hrs of sweat equity;
    2)fiberglassing, epoxy ($300/10 gal), polyurethane adhesives/caulk/foam -both expanding & sheet;
    3)marine woodworking and fastening techniques (how to avoid expensive marine plywood);
    4)sanding, grinding, drilling composites, wood, metal, by hand and machine;
    5) diesel and o/b propulsion for catamaran bridgedeck location;
    6)mast and sail acquisition, incl. standing/ running rigging, incl electrical winches, for ca. $3k total;
    7)5 anchor types/ windlasses/ chain rodes design/ acquisition, and install for ca. & $2-3k;
    8) electrical systems and 12 v wiring for this catamaran, and much more.
    You should be willing to learn to use the relevant tools, live aboard and take a berth, work 40 hrs/wk, and be comfortable with a stipend of $200 per week. Send applications to:
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Is your apprentice suppose to buy all those materials for the posted price?
  3. tevake118
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    tevake118 Junior Member

    Hi Gonzo; I have been reading your posts for years - you are someone I respect!
    No, those prices are what I have been able to pay for the stated items for my project build during the last 3 yrs; my point is that I want to teach someone what is possible outside of the regular market. I am honest to a fault and a man of my word.
    ALSO: my description above was incomplete; I ran out of space, so here is the rest:
    9)kick-up rudders/cassettes, centerboard(s)/trunks re to fluid dynamics, structural integrity, & material choice;
    10) techniques to stop leaks and reinforce hulls; 11) welding and machining stainless steel alloys; 12) introduction to the relevant print and digital literature; 12) conducting sea trials and learning to think like an engineer.
    What I want to do is provide my 45 yrs of experience, my shop, my catamaran project (launched in 2018), my tools and materials to someone who wants to work for a dream,has no money, but has youth, health, curiosity, time and few obligations. I love to teach, you see.
    In addition to the stipend mentioned above, we will provide 3 meals/ day and transportation.
  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is how I learned the trades, working for a beer and a sandwich. I hope you get someone, it is a shame to see years of experience disappear.
  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    That does sound like a very generous offer indeed - if I was 18 again, and living in the USA I would jump at the chance to do an apprenticeship like this.
  6. tevake118
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    tevake118 Junior Member

  7. tevake118
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    tevake118 Junior Member

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