Anyone understand Autohydro?

Discussion in 'Software' started by dzanca, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. dzanca
    Joined: Dec 2012
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    dzanca New Member

    Creating a new GF from a run file?
    In my run file I am currently trying to read file.GF0 then run a run file that creates tanks, then write a new GF with tanks......
    I am using Autohydro Pro 6.5.0 with Modelmaker 7.1.1
    looks like this..

    read file.GF0

    enter PM


    exit PM

    write file.GF1

    known probblems thus far:
    1) Autohydro is not recognizing the OPEN PM command
    2) Autohydro is not rscognizing the ENTER command

    after i run this file it shuts down autohydro????

    Anyone know what to do?
  2. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    I have never before used autohydro. However, that looks exactly like a run file for GHS. I know the two programs have a lot in common, but I do not now what aspects or how much (there are complaints of copy-write infringement or copying or thievery or something like that from one side or the other).

    Anyhow, in GHS you do enter partmaker just like you wrote. ENTER PM
    Perhaps you are modifying a GHS run file and not an autohydro file. Maybe they use different syntax for that. I do not know.

    One thing is that in GHS after you enter partmaker you will write your part making code. It isn't common to then run an outside program from there. Not saying you can't I just haven't seen that before. So I'd normally have the ENTER PM command within the PM file I'd open GHS, run PM from within GHS, write PM code, exit PM, exit GHS.

    This might be completely useless to you, but just for reference I've attached a GHS PM file for a small passenger ferry. I start by opening a bare hull model ( and then I attach some junk in PM. I define the units as metric. The margin line as 3 inches below the deck (0.076m). Shell thickness as 9.5mm (3/8"). Then I model in some rough approximations of right angle drives (RAD), define the tanks, and the spaces. At the end I have two quit commands (qu), one to quit PM and one to quit GHS.

    I hope this is of some help. When in doubt dig through the manual.
  3. dzanca
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    dzanca New Member

    Yes it is a GHS file i wrote for a seperate hull. however now i am using Autohydro and the manual is lacking an example as to what the new or should be commands/syntax for OPEN or ENTER are. When i run the file it crashes. But i will try going through the order of procedures you mentioned above and see where that gets me.

  4. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    Sorry I can't help. I really don't know any commands for autohydro.

  5. dzanca
    Joined: Dec 2012
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    dzanca New Member

    Update: Tried writing ENTER PM in the CRE8TNKS as you suggested once in Autohydro to no avail.

    Thanks for your effort though.

    Currently waiting reply from tech support, update will follow if there is an answer.

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