Anyone owned a Simpson Formula 1 Catamaran?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. auscat
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    auscat Junior Member

    I am also looking at those moulds.Asked the guy to put up some pics of the actual moulds.Old moulds can be a lot of trouble if they have been left outside uncovered for too long.
    Have sailed on one here in Airlie and with a desent set of sails I reckon it would really go.
    I would peobably leave out the furniture and use duflex for the interior there by losing more weight and gaining more performance.
  2. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Well the moulds they're sold ! Anyone here ?
  3. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I weighed it up and decided it was not worth chasing. Will focus solely on my Kraken 25 first and Formula 40 tri next. Must update that thread too things are underway.

    Had an interesting weekend of racing on Westernport Bay with MYCV and Hastings Yacht Club we we're four up on a F25A trimaran and had to rescue a P.O.B. It was not a particularly slick rescue but effective enough. Makes you think about how prepared you are for the worst. The things I took away from it was how hard it was to see even a quite brightly clad person in the water in low visibility conditions and how hard it would be to lift a heavy sailor onboard if they were in all their gear (we were lucky a very light female but still took quite a bit of effort to get onboard).

    I've always wondered whether you could have one of the front nets on a tri lowerable to pickup a P.O.B. Then maybe winch the support lines for the net up again. We were all totally drenched but it would have been a good race if not for the incident (educational though).
  4. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Not me.
  5. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Wow, Ben Bolt looks like a good deal for someone, looks to be in very nice shape, i too would go with an OB, id be all over it if i wasnt in the US.
  6. Wingn_it
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    Wingn_it New Member

    Steve I have Lindenberg 26 as well and just up the hwy 53 at International Falls , looking to make contact with you to exchange information on the boat
  7. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

  8. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Thats good news, I can see Stallion Marine offering the Formula one as a good entry level catamaran and they have enough production capacity to make it work.
  9. auscat
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    auscat Junior Member

    Good bunch of blokes who can put out a good product.Hope they keep clear of that balsa crap that Schionning is a fan of.
  10. curecomposites
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    curecomposites New Member

    Simpson Formula 1 moulds

    Stallion Marine and Cure Composites have just purchased the moulds for the Simpson Formula 1.
    We operate from our factory at Yandina. We are keen to speak to anyone interested in the Simpson design and are happy to provide costings on hull and deck, kits or any other variation on this. We have recently constructed a Schionning GForce 1500 which is being launched next week. In the past we have constructed Reichel Pughs, Spirited and other Schionning designs. Get in touch or check our websites Stallion Marine and Cure Composites.
    Thanks for the link to Boat Design Forum!

  11. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I gather Ben Bolt sold as it's no longer listed on Boatpoint. Anyone from here?
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