Anyone got Delftships tutorial?

Discussion in 'Software' started by sirclippliers, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. sirclippliers
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    sirclippliers Junior Member

    Hi, I'm tinkering with a new model in Delftship and I havent used the program for a while, does anyone know where the tutorial went that delftship used to have? I did have it on hard drive,but I've searched 5 now and I can find it. Does anyone have a link to it please.
  2. Sweet Dreamer
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    Sweet Dreamer Junior Member

    The only ones I've found so far are these:

    Delftship support videos

    They haven't been much help for me.

    While I'm in this thread can I ask if anyone knows anything about using the waterlines in Defltship?

    When I turn on the waterlines I get three lines along the length of my hull. But I have no clue what they mean. Where will my hull actually sit in the water?

    Also how does Delftship know how heavy my hull is, or what material its made of? Is there a place where I can edit that information specific to my hull?

    Also, can I add weights to my boat? And will Delfship tell me if the boat will lean in the water? Like if I place a heavy engine at the rear will it show me that the boat will ride deeper in the water at the rear than at the front?

    This is part of the reason I downloaded Delfship. It was my understanding that it can calculate this type of thing for me. But I don't know where to put in all these parameters or add unbalanced cargo weight.

    I don't even know how to read the waterlines? Why are there three of them on my hull?
  3. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    Where will my hull actually sit in the water?

    Obviously at keel line or Baseline !

    In the Project settings ( then Hydrostatstics sections) , you can define mean shell thickness of your hull.

    Yes you can add weight via weightlist which you can find in Loading Conditions menu.

    three of them on your hull because you defined the WL at three diff. distance. the Design draft is specified in Project Settings.
  4. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    Only the Help manual is available, and some few videos on youtube. and a small tutorial /Tutorial01.pdf
  5. Sweet Dreamer
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    Sweet Dreamer Junior Member

    Where do I find the Loading Conditions menu?

    I've looked everywhere, I don't see it. I tried doing a search for it in the help dialog box, and no luck there either.
  6. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    i am not sure which version you are using ! i am using professional version and i have it.

    Attached Files:

  7. Sweet Dreamer
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    Sweet Dreamer Junior Member

    Ok, I'm just using the free version. So I probably don't have that feature.

    Darn it.

    I wonder if there are any other programs I can use?

    Or I can just calculate it myself in a spreadsheet.

    All I need to do is calculate how much my hull weighs. Then figure out how much water that would displace. Then just calculate how deep my hull would need to go to displace that much water right?

    I can calculate that precisely using calculus. Especially since my hull is a fairly simple shape.

    Then I can use that spreadsheet to see how the waterline would change for various additional weights.

    It's not quite as graphic as Delftship would be, but at least I would know where she sits.

    I could probably even calculate how the boat would lean with uneven weight using the spreadsheet too. That shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

    I just thought this program would do it automatically.

    I guess the professional version does.

  8. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    there is some empirical formulas to calculate weight of the hull. you can follow them. or you can calculate the hull surface area and then multiply with plate weight per m2.
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