Any One Can Provide All The Tools Needed To Build a Boat

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by isslam akkilah, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

    Hello, everyone
    I am really wondering how I am going to build a boat, and I really start reading articles around the web, and I think I should start with tools needed to build a Boat. However, that not the only thing I really did not touch any of these tools, and even I don't have it. (we are speaking about wooden boat tools). At the end, there is really important question here. What is the cost of material (wood in our case ), and tools for start up project. I will try to post other people answer, and provide pictures for each tool with the price of each one from amazon or any site in my next post.
  2. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

    using the answer of Richard Woods he said he was using these kind of tools to build his boat, but he did not provide the picture for the boat, so we can see the capability of these tools. anyway tools are listed below with the price:
    1. jigsaw = $79.00
    2. 4in grinder = $39.00
    3. orbital sander = $49.00
    4. cordless drill = 129.00
    5. powerfile = $37.75
    6. 3 clamps = 66$ around can be more or less on type
    7. Powerplane = $149.00
    8. Hammer = 18$
    9. Hand Plane = 30$
    10. Chisel = 25$
    total = 79 + 39 + 49 +129 + 37 + 66 + 149 + 18 + 30 + 25 = 621$

    Could be lower, but I never got any of these in my life, so I am not sure what is good, and what is bad, and I do believe that bosch are the best and the most reliable company in the world to depend on.

    At the end, maybe there is more needs and I am finding it hard to find the amount of wood needed, to build the boat and how much it will cost to finish the project, but I will be posting all the thing I will find.

    To Be Continued
    part 2
    here is the rest of tools posted by our friend missinginaction were he point at serious work tools, and "chant" yoo at our 1st grade tools at the top:
    1. table saw = 2500$ big hit but you can make your own as I found found online
    2. circular saw = 182$
    3. Router = 182$
    4. table top planer = 1,439.85$ I think this is the best brand
    total = 2500 + 182 +182 +1439 = 4303 + 621 = 4924$
    guys any help with brands and prices mainly table saw if you can correct it would be great anyway double check and brand matching would be a great help.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  3. alan craig
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    alan craig Senior Member

    Richard Woods is a very experienced designer, builder and sailor so you can trust his recommendations. It seems that you may be inexperienced with woodworking tools so it might be best to start with some woodworking lessons, and a project which is smaller and less challenging than a boat.
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I built my first boat with a drill, a jigsaw, a screwdriver and a hammer. But it was a small boat with a small 5 horsepower motor.
    Size dictates needs.
  5. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    Tell us about your boat design. There are a lot of different ways to cut and shape and join wood. If you don't have electricity, it can still be done. If you have shop space and electric, a tablesaw would speed things along considerably.

    Learn jig making to help with accuracy and repetitive cuts.

    -Will (Dragonfly)
  6. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

    gd and thank you that part was deleted
  7. missinginaction
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    missinginaction Senior Member

    Small boats, say 2.5 meters in length can be built with hand tools. As you go larger, materials get bigger, heavier and there are simply more materials to deal with. So you'll need power tools. What you listed above is a start. If you're serious about building a larger boat, say in the area of 8 meters or more I'd add the following. A good 10 or 12 inch table saw, a 7 inch circular saw, a good 1/2 inch heavy duty router and a good table top planer, 12 inch. The most expensive tool on this short list is the planer and a good one will cost you in the area of $600 to $700 here in the US.

    I didn't acquire a planer until I was about 1/2 way through the restoration of my boat. I really wish I had bought it earlier. The planer turned out to be a tool I didn't use every day but it enabled me to make parts with much more precision.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
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  8. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

    great can you show me a picture of it
  9. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

    got you but I did not get what do you mean by jig making, and electricity which I have but not tablesaw or space, so can you explain what you mean by that sorry
  10. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  11. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

    great I will search that no need for photo if you need to search, btw my dream boat is this one >>> here this what my region are using, but most of the time Japanese brand, and we use wooden boats, but with different design or with culture design always like this somehow >>> here
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  12. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I like the dhow with the lateen sail. It is a beautiful boat and perfect for those waters. Over many centuries it has proven its value.
    It is much larger than any I will ever build.
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  13. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

    you can write Dhow at youtube and you will find it right away thank you very much anyway you can find it here
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  14. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    What tools you need depends on what you are building and with what tehnique. You can build a big dhow with adze, handsaw, plane, chisel and drill. If you build with fiberglass and resin you better buy a selection of sanders.
    isslam akkilah likes this.

  15. isslam akkilah
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    isslam akkilah CrazyWarrier

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