ANNA, Block Island fishing trawler

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Pete Baker, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. Pete Baker
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    Pete Baker New Member

    Looking for help!
    Friends are researching the trawler Anna, with the intent of creating working drawings. These drawings will serve two funuctions:
    1 - Long range they hope to amass funds to restore the sadly decaying boat. They are putting together a group of volunteers to brainstorm a plan.
    2 - To familiarize and promote the restoration project they will be building an RC scale model.
    My thought is that there must be a set of drawings of a similar 38' long by a 10' beam trawler that could get them started. As they learn more they have the option of tayloring the design to ANNA. Save ANNA.png
  2. jehardiman
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Contact the Harbor History Museum, Gig Harbor WA. They may be able to point you in the right direction for all your needs. They are completing the restoration of SHENANDOAH a purse seiner.
    Tops likes this.
  3. Tops
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Tops Senior Member

    Thanks for that link. When I was looking at Great Lakes fish tugs, the Maritime Museum in Manitowac, WI was able to scan a couple blueprints and email them to me for a nominal fee. Since the boat still exists, has anyone took physical measurements or considered paying for a professional scan?

  4. Pete Baker
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    Pete Baker New Member

    Thanks to jehardiman & Tops I will review an pass on to ANNA Group.
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