Amphibious box to go in back of cybertruck

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Quidnic, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. Quidnic
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    Thinking about an amphibious camping box 8’x4’ with a pointy bow.

    it has to fit in the back bed of my cybertruck with the tail gate open. It will be on wheels so can be push up the ramp of the cybertruck.

    just enough room for a double bed and perhaps a galley box and porta loo.

    I was thinking 8x4x4 out of 4 sheets of marine ply then a pointy bow and rear door opens above the waterline.

    It can be powered by a very small electric outboard or even a power drill and propeller

    just for a little fun on the canal and some overnighters on the waterways

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  2. Quidnic
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    He’s there ever been anything like this been designed before that would fit in the back of the cybertruck?

    apparently an 8’x4’ sheet will fit with the tail down

    but I want a pointy bow sticking out a bit further than that

    so with small wheels it can be backed into the cybertruck bed
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Would something like this be suitable?
    Dockbox Plans PDF

    It should be possible to add some wheels to it?

    Edit - although this box seems to be about 5' wide (if I scale off the drawing).
    It might be possible to reduce the beam to 4' - they mention that the chap who built the prototype did just this.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  4. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    The DockBox looks like a 'cubist' reduction (painted on bow rocker ?!?) of a PDR (Puddle Duck Racer), which have also been finished with cabins and used for multi-day trips. I built one, sail and row, and have seen them driven with electric trolling motors.

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  5. bajansailor
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  6. bajansailor
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  7. fallguy
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  8. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    interesting concept and I'm surprised there isn't already a "class" of DIY picnic boats and micro-house boats designed around standard Pickup and Van 4x8ft+ bed. Should also work as a camper on the vehicle.
    Getting a boat that is far too big and heavy to King Kong into the water from the fairly high truck/van bed would I guess require backing the truck/van into the water as deep as possible before water starts touching sensitive areas.

    I'm thinking instead of "pointy" it should be a vertical sided John Boat type hull about 12' long and the hard fixed part of the hull no taller than 4' so it can still slide into a full size van (like I own).

    Also maybe use a $300 Harbor Freight trailer with its 4x8' bed and overhang a bit on each end.

    I like the idea of having built in wheels such as some small dingys and Bic brand kayaks, but your wheels should be about 8" to handle the corrugated grooved concrete on launch ramps.

    How about a cat made of two 12x2' hulls that is maxed out to fit in standard full size truck/van with an expanding frame for a tramp and tent?
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  9. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    The problem is that in most truck beds, the wheelwells intrude on the width of the available space. You'll notice that the 'cybertruck' (whatever that means; I've never heard the term before) has its rear wheels splayed out to the sides and thus leaves the bed space unencumbered.

    I'd be surprised if there actually is such a thing as a standard set of dimensions for truck beds, and if so, it can be negated with something as simple as a factory bed-liner. My old Ford Ranger has a factory bed-liner, and I suspect it robs at least an inch off the usable bed width.
  10. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    cybertruck is the semi-imaginary Tesla electric pickup truck - so it is a particular model, not a class of vehicles. Supposedly its production is about to start in Texas next year. I am very skeptical that we will see it as it was revealed and AFAIK there is only concept vehicle. But yes the design has all flat bed.
  11. gonzo
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  12. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I shudder to think about sleeping in a 4x8 box with a portable loo next to my pillow!
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  13. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    standard 5 or 3 gallon paint bucket with lid seals up just fine, and I guess would serve double duty as buoyancy.
  14. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Don't worry about the boat.
    You won't be able to afford the imaginary truck.
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  15. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    My wife has a Tesla S. The rumored price point for the C truck is the same.

    The four foot wide folding dinghy with the double bed and separate en suite comes fully equipped with a shower and a separate bedroom for the children. Downstairs features a bar and pool table and upstairs is a place for guests to sleep.

    Three room tent with a tent outhouse?
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