America's Cup First Day

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by RumnCoke, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. RumnCoke
    Joined: Aug 2013
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    RumnCoke Junior Member

    I am surprised at the lack of conversation this year. Anyway, here it is.
    Boat speed was smashing for NZ. If they hadn't had a couple mistakes, a bad tack in the first race and a tactical error in the second, the margin of victory would have been greater. Their boat set-up was right on the money for the conditions.
    The Americans had an unforced error at the start of the first, that put them in a hole. They compounded their error with additional tacks that only put them father behind. Second race, they were just outsailed for most of the race, but mid-way thru, they had an amazing burst of speed and sailing angle on one leg that put them right on the stern of NZ. Unfortunately, they had a terrible tack and lost most of the ground they had just made up.
    Definitely some boat tweaks needed for the Americans. Definitely some focus on error free sailing for NZ. Cheers.
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  3. RumnCoke
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    RumnCoke Junior Member

    After watching the second day of racing, it really was more of the same situation.
    New Zealand had outstanding boat speed for the higher wind conditions. What was really unexplainable is that they did not change their planning fins. They still used the larger double canted wing fins.
    For the Americans, there was a change in fin usage, but it did not seem to gain any advantage or even a more equal speed rating.
    New Zealand sailed more error free today and their tactical calls were right on the money.
    The Americans failed to take advantage at the start of the second race with better position and ultimately making NZ do an extra jibe. New Zeland actually ended up with a better start in the middle of the start lines and had slightly more boat speed to the first mark. During this race they also tacked one less time, further extending their lead during the middle of the race.
    Large finishing margins for NZ and now up 3-0. Cheers.

    Now it seems that the actual design construction of the dagger board has allowed NZ a more efficient design. They are using a steel elbow at the 90 degree cant and getting a better flow on a narrower but longer overall fin.

  4. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Its great to see TNZ doing so well, but Remember San Francisco 2013!!! Go Oracle Team USA!!!!
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