Aluminum V hull cut out

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Case Fabrications, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. Case Fabrications
    Joined: Apr 2022
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    Case Fabrications Junior Member

    Hey guys, first post. I have been creapin on the site for a while doing searches and what not and decided to jump in. I build custom aluminum boats of all types mostly between 14 and 28’. My standard v hull bay boat I build has a pretty sharp inward tapering bow. I have a customer wanting something similar but to remain wider toward the front so I need to cut less out of my pie. Does anyone have any numbers, dimensions or designs they like to use. If I don’t have to sit and nip at the front of the boat forever trying to figure it out that would be great.

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  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    Maybe I can help you solve your problem. Can you send me a personal message or give me a contact email?
  3. Case Fabrications
    Joined: Apr 2022
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    Case Fabrications Junior Member

    That would be great! I’m not seeing how to PM you so you can just email me.
    James Case
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