Aluminum boat design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Alexmach1, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hello, @Alexmach1 , welcome to the forum.
    The first of the boats seems very nice to me, a frankly attractive design. Congratulations.
    The second one is also nice, although more traditional, and with some details of the structure that it would be interesting to find out the "why" and the "how"
  3. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    Thanks, the second boat that in a screenshot is the first version of Volzhanka(Now it's Vboats) Voyager 960 which was at the boat show in Dusseldorf in 2019.
    It is difficult to explain in general terms why and how, you need to focus on something, you know.

  4. TANSL
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    Yes I know, but since I can only make assumptions, I don't think I should go into more detail, I don't have enough information to explain anything to myself. However, and just as an example, I will say that I was surprised to see these "U" shaped reinforcements, multiplying by two the necessary welding in each case. Surely there is a "because..." that I am not able to guess.
    Thank you for your attention, nice photos, when it comes to metal hulls, you have achieved beautiful shapes.
  5. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    These "U" frames were only on the prototype, for the sake of experiment, the design turned out with an excess of strength and was simplified later.
    There is another interesting thing that is not visible in the picture, these frames were not welded to the lowest sheet of the bottom.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    What mission did they have, then, in the structure? If they weren't welded what were they used for?.
    A nice but "strange" boat.
  7. Alexmach1
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    They were welded only to keelsons. You see, if they were also welded to the bottom, the metal would be sucked in by kind of segmented squares, which is not good. So) Only to keelsons.
  8. TANSL
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    I understand perfectly, that is why I have described this boat as strange, because what we see in the photos is not good (it is very bad) from the constructive point of view.
  9. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    In real life it was superduty in case of power hull.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
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  10. Alexmach1
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  11. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    There was a 60-foot aluminum around-the-world sailboat built in the US in the 1990's for Mike Carr, designed by Mike Kaufman, that relied on similar thinking. It was a structural failure that oil-canned badly, ending the solo sailing career of a promising American competitor in a sport now dominated by France. I can't find articles about it using Google, but there were many written in the mid-1990s. It was egg-on-the-face of the American Bureau of Shipping, who regretted having granted plan approval. Also for Mike Kaufman, who had drawn a wide boat with full ends that, in its shape, may have been ahead of its time.

    I spent a week, as a student, interning in Mike Kaufman's office just a couple years before he designed this boat, and I had also been intrigued with the heat-expanded aluminum construction idea being pedaled at the time, under some particular tradename.

    This is an article about Mike Carr's fundraising for the boat, written prior to her launch:
    KEEPING THE DREAM AFLOAT – The Virginian-Pilot
    Perhaps the boat's name was Imagine, but I might have that wrong.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
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